Mushroom - P. cubensis & Cannabis
by Wolf
Citation:   Wolf. "Exploring: An Experience with Mushroom - P. cubensis & Cannabis (exp48056)". Erowid.org. Sep 17, 2007. erowid.org/exp/48056

T+ 0:00
2.5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
  T+ 3:00 2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This is a report about my first experience with mushrooms. I’m going to try to explain my experience to the best of my abilities and with the greatest detail possible. First off, I’m a 17-year old male.

Briefly describing the setting, it was Friday and my friend D and I were planning to trip today. D had tripped several times on mushrooms and was experienced, but I had never tripped before. The trip began after a goose-chase of obtaining 5 grams of hydroponic mushrooms and finishing up my job at an ice cream store. D was experienced in experiencing the mushrooms, but I had extensive knowledge about psilocybin, mushrooms, and the psychoactive affects of the trip. I’ve spent at least 4 hours reading about how mushrooms affect the brain, and I’ve also read numerous reports on individual experiences with mushrooms. I knew exactly what to expect. I’m also a post-addict from marijuana and use to smoke 5 times a day for a little over a year, although now I smoke weekly.

I show up at Derek’s house 30 minutes after 10PM and the trip is going to take place in his room. At first, I felt the need to test my sensitive to psilocybin, because I am extremely sensitive to pot.

T11:05PM — I Ate .3 grams with a spoonful of honey and some orange juice. This was the first time I had eaten anything for about 5 hours.

T11:25-12:00 — Affects were not felt after slowly increasing my dose. By 12:00 I had eaten a total of 2.5 grams. D also ate 2.5 grams.

T12:20 — I began to laugh uncontrollably. Every single time I breathed, I would have the biggest smile on my face as I exhaled and would almost always giggle; I had never been so happy in my life.

T12:30 — The trip began. I began having the best euphoria I had ever felt; the body high was very impressive. The hallucinations weren’t as intense as I had anticipated, they were very subtle. Slowly colors began to be extraordinarily beautiful and I was able to smell the colors. My body high was constantly changing, based on thoughts and what I was looking at. I felt unbelievably good; I felt like I was experiencing the best feeling in the world, like there was absolutely nothing that could feel better than this. I was still laughing every single time I exhaled and was constantly giggling and smiling. I was in a deep bliss. During the peak the euphoria was felt inside my head and the rest of my body. There was no confusion present and there were no thoughts present; I felt like I was home. There was no trip going on inside of my head; the trip felt external and not a mind trip. As the trip continued, the high sensation moved more towards my stomach and was not present in my head anymore.

T2:30AM — The peak was noticeably over. I was no longer laughing like I was earlier and felt mildly depressed. D and I wanted to smoke some pot; we had some decent chronic.

T2:45AM — I feared it might have been to late to smoke, because it felt as if much of the trip had worn off. I smoked one hit out of the bong; it tasted and smelled better than usual, because I was still tripping a little. I felt the affects of the marijuana immediately and it improved my body high and mood dramatically. But, where I went wrong was when I decided on taking a 2nd hit, the 2nd hit was way too powerful. Keep in mind I’m sensitive to pot. For instance if I smoke pot, the following day I’m usually thrown into a day long manic-phase and then a day of depression. I was in control of the high initially and was feeling great, but then things started to get bad. I had no clue how powerful pot was combined with a mushroom trip, it multiplies the affects of pot by probably 3-5 times, but that is only my estimatation.

T3:05AM — I had extreme cotton mouth-and the mind trip was extremely intense. I was nauseous and had a very strong cold feeling; I simply could not warm up. I felt the transition from the euphoria to the eternal black void. I believe I began to hear wu-wu’s in my head, but I’m not positive. The sound in my head sounded like some sort of loud rumbling lawnmower; this was accompanied with a weird shriek-like, frightening monkey-cry (for lack of a better description) occuring a few times a minute. My body high began to feel dark and black.

I had a kaleidoscope rainbow pattern covering my vision while my eyes were open and closed. Every single object in my field of vision morphed into various shapes and colors spontaneously. I could only think in shapes. When my eyes were closed I saw countless shapes changing. I completely lost track of who I lost my ego. My pulse was about 3 times higher than normal and I was breathing rapidly. When I looked at D with my peripheral vision, he seriously looked like some type of primitive mix between a lion and a monkey; it was very weird. I began to fear that I had permanently screwed up my vision and possibly inflicted myself with HPPD. I was significantly colorblind; many colors were differant than they were suppose to be and objects were flying all over the place in my peripheral vision.

T5:00 — The black-void affects finally worse off and I was glad to have made it through the eternity of bullshit. But, when the experience was over I felt very accomplished and was surprised at how powerful 2 hits were. It was my most intense high I had ever had.

Finishing up, I learned a lot about mushrooms this night. I learned not to smoke my normal dose of pot after a mushroom high. Preferably I would never smoke pot until the peak affects of the mushroom high wore off, because pot changes my trip dramatically and changes many positive aspects of the mushroom trip. Before I tripped I feared that I was susceptible to HPPD and I was unsure if mushrooms caused HPPD, although it seemed like that wasn’t likely after I had read many reports on mushrooms. Finally, mushrooms are my new D.O.C. and I’m looking forward to doing them again, unfortunately I found them quite addictive and I might end up tripping again in 2 weeks. I wrote this report the day after the experience and strangely enough, I feel much happier than I did before the trip. I feel like my life has more meaning and more of a purpose. Sadly, part of the reason I feel this is because I found an unbelievable drug to look forward to.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 48056
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 17, 2007Views: 6,434
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66), Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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