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Nothing Too Impressive
Poppies - California
by Gram
Citation:   Gram. "Nothing Too Impressive: An Experience with Poppies - California (exp49621)". Jun 16, 2007.

  smoked Poppies - California (extract)
I took a jar, probably about 6 inches tall and 2.5 inches in diameter and filled it as much as possible w/ mostly dried foliage from California Poppies. They grow everywhere on my property so I figured I would try them out to see if they were a worthwhile drug. I then filled the jar with isopropyl alcohol (99%) and let it sit for probably about 1 month, shaking it once a day. After one month, I took the lid off of the jar, and I took out all the plant gunk and squeezed off all the alcohol into the jar. The mixture looked a bit green/brown.

I let the alcohol jar sit out until ALL of it dissolved. What was left in the bottom was a brown/black gooey tarlike substance. I then put this on top of some dried out california poppy foliage, as I would with hash and Marijuana, and smoked it out of a bong. I smoked one bowl, and felt very mild effects, just felt relaxed, but nothing special. I continued smoking a few more bowls, and then adding the gooey stuff on top without much more effect.

I would say that it did relax me more then normal, but nothing else, not even a marijuana like high or anything. I wouldn't do this again because it was too much work for too little results.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 49621
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2007Views: 14,218
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Poppies - California (279) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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