Clear Mind, Amazing Night
Citation:   calpo. "Clear Mind, Amazing Night: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp4997)". Jan 10, 2002.

1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
The night began when one of my friends just decided, spur of the moment, that we should take some mushrooms we had left over from another trip. Being completely unprepared I was a little bit nervous. Normally I like to mentally prepare myself for what I might see or feel a little bit before hand. But, at about 8:20, we ate the mushrooms with some chocolate cake. Not very much longer (maybe 20 minutes to a half hour) they started to kick in. I live in residence at a university and none of my companions could handle the overwhelming colour of yellow or the musty smell so we decided to go for a walk.

This is where things got interesting.

I hope this doesn't get too cheesy. Even when I am not stoned I feel an affinity for trees and the earth but that night was a culmination of that. Under a moon slightly hidden by clouds we went to a little forested area with ponds, fountains, a giant pagoda like building, and perfectly sculptured trees all around us. It was magical.

Sitting on the ground for a bit I started noticing the earth breathing in time with me. In fact I could feel my entire body as an extension of the ground and the earth around me. My friends and I dispersed through this little wonderland and found things to occupy ourselves with. For me it was the trees. All around me the branches swayed and danced. As I saw the moon breaking through the clouds and lighting the pond I attained a clarity I doubt I will ever repeat. Everything made sense. I understood that for centuries people had looked at the same moon; they had walked on the same ground. I even gained an insight into my friends and felt a love for them impossible to describe even now. Without saying a word to them I felt I understood them and, in part, all of humanity and it's place in the world. I could feel the love and the warmth emanating from the trees around us. I thought back to some of the books i have read on buddhism and tried to place what I was feeling and gain some insight but instead of thinking all I did was let go and breath. I felt I could breath deeper, think clearer.. hell, i could do anything. But all I did was sit on a bench surrounded by trees and BE. I let the wind rush through my hair, my hands rest in my lap, and I had one of the best 'trips' I have ever had.

I don't know what I took away from the experience except for a glimpse of the calm I felt. I can't remember the answers I came up with to the world around me. I can't see the unity when I look at the moon anymore. But what I can do is look back to that park and that night and know that I experienced something magical.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 4997
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2002Views: 10,890
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Mushrooms (39) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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