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Learning the Secrets of Man
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   popthereal. "Learning the Secrets of Man: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp50977)". Erowid.org. Nov 14, 2020. erowid.org/exp/50977

1.75 g oral Mushrooms
On Feburary, 24, 2005, I decided to take a mushroom trip with a close friend of mine. we both injested 1.75 grams of closed capped cubensis at around 10:00 PM and prepared for our trip. This is a unusually low dose, but closed cap cubensis usually give me quite a good trip, this time I didn't realize how strong they would be. It came to us unsually fast on the night of this trip. Within 15 minutes we both had the signs of the trip coming on.

Within half an hour we were both painting, enjoying music, and dancing in the room. I laid down on my stomach because of unplesant stomach cramps. When I closed my eyes I began seeing strange images of morphing rooms with people trapped inside them. This freaked me out a litle bit so I decided to watch a movie instead of just laying around. As I watched the movie I occasionally closed my eyes to enjoy the CEVs, which strangely all had something to do with horrific apcolyptic images.

As the movie ended we both decided to sit around and enjoy the trip. As I laid on the floor, both of us silent. I let myself wander in my mind. I began hearing noises and noticing images of the holocaust and people being imprisioned by their own evil habits (examples such as addictions, bad habits, and relion all came to mind as ways to imprison yourself.) This made me feel very strange I ended up somehow talking to god, although he did not talk back, I somehow knew these images where from him, a warning of the future.

I also realized how the humans interact with the world around us. I felt as though I were some kind of primate. I went to the bathroom to use the restroom, only to notice that my body looked cartoonish and much like a monkey drawn in beautiful pastels. I had taken on the shape of what I felt like, an animal. I began to notice that all humans are, are extremely advanced animals, we do all things just like animals do, but we do them thinking we are smarter, which I do not dispute we are.

I got into my friends bed and took a sleeping pill as it had now rolled around to about 2:00 AM. We both tried to fall asleep. As I was laying in bed, I began to watch the universe unfold. I became a part of it as well. I became one of the first humans on earth. I joined a tribe called shakra. We started as hunter gathers and eventually worked are way to becoming not only an town, but then a city, and eventually an empire, complete with a facist government and slaves. I realized that this is the form of time. all things become corrupt I concluded. I began to realize that what we had done was wrong so I fought to free myself and the slaves from this evil system. I was imprisoned and sentenced to death. I slowly came back down into reality at this point.

As the trip faded, I was left with a sense of horror about the world, but I considered myself lucky to have this experience. By 3:30 AM I had fallen asleep. When I awoke the next morning, I felt refreshed and alive. I feel this trip was very wonderful despite being quite scary in its early stages, I consider it to be a learning experience.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 50977
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 14, 2020Views: 557
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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