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An Unexpected Trip Into the Unknown
Citation:   gold cap mushrooms. "An Unexpected Trip Into the Unknown: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp52528)". Jun 25, 2021.

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Mushrooms  
  T+ 0:30   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
It was my senior year in high school by which time I was already well versed in the psychoactive drug realm, having been selling and using lsd and mushrooms for some time, when I received a new batch of the same looking mushrooms I always received...
Well I always like to eat a few to see how they are before distribution, so I decided to take 3.5 gram, a conservative amount considering I had a high tolerance having consumed 12g before. So I consumed the mushrooms (raw dog) and went over to a friends party taking a Qp with me. Almost as soon as I got there I started to feel very strange, maybe a 20 to 25 min time span from ingestion. Then about five min later the pizza arrives and people start eating it, I was particularly interested in the pizza with green peppers on it because they were around like snakes! This is the point when I knew it was going to be heavy after only 30min I was having full visuals. I then preceded into the garage to drink a few beers with a group of close friends that were attending the party. This is when I lost all notion of time and being, I started to hallucinate really bad with visions on the oil stained floor and peoples faces were so distorted I had know idea who they were. I fact I didn’t know who I was &felt like I was disintegrating one limb at a time people would ask what my name was and I had know idea, luckily I had some good friends who took care of me and kept me out of trouble to an extent, especially with so many people around. I ended up waking up with little real recollection of the entire night at my friends house , quarter pound short of mushrooms and a strange realization that I had gone beyond any trip I ever had before. I had apparently sold some mushrooms and given many away but my friends tell that I was complain of people ripping me off by paying me monopoly money and dropping a hundred and some dollars on the ground and walking away. Anyway I just wanted to say even a fairly experienced tripper can be caught by surprise if the moons align correctly!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 52528
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2021Views: 492
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Large Group (10+) (19)

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