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I Am Your Only God
Citation:   Malik. "I Am Your Only God: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp53351)". Jun 16, 2018.

2 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Last summer I tried mushrooms for the first time. We were camping, and of the 8 of us, me and Sean alone took the drugs the first night.

All of my freinds were suprised at the extreme intensity of my trip, but I wasn't- I'm one of those rare ppl who can have pseudo-hallucinations (it's a hallucination and u are aware of it) on pot. (on the previous camping trip I was 'forced' to smoke like 4g to myself and heard the trees talking for almost an hour.)

Sean only had 2 hallucinations. One was that he saw about 4 inches of sand on everything. The other was the only common symptom- at one point we both saw everything start to melt acid-style. Aside from that, I was in a world all my own.

In short- here is what happened to me (not in sequencial order, not all things were simultaneous, most things only lasted 10 minutes, the whole trip lasted 6 hours):

-patterns came alive in all things (like bark and freckles and sand)

-there were faces in objects and the fire

-mayan art and psychedelic mosaics appeared in bark

-spiral patterns appeared in the sand, and then started to move. They looked like they were being produced by tunneling bugs.

-when I looked up, I would feel like I was flying up

-it looked like the trees and sky were paintings on walls, rather than 3d objects

-I laughed for 20 minutes continuously, to the point of exhaustion

-I was more terrified than I had ever been in my life for about 40 minutes. I actually started to cry. (the laughing and crying were
also experienced by 2 other freinds the next night)

-it felt like there was a division of my body into the left and right half, like they were physically seperate. When one side touched the other I felt like 2 ppl simultaneously.

-after the previous thing passed I felt like my mind was divided into the front and back half physically. There were many people in my back mind and behind me laughing in joy at the whole experience. When I turned to see them, they would shift appropriately so I couldnt see them.

-long after the laughing stopped I thanked God for the experience and asked that he protect me from self harm and embarressment. I heard a voice from the back of my mind say 'I am your only God' or 'I am the only God you've ever known.' I realized that this voice was all the laughing voices talking at once. It brought me great joy as I had been long having trouble choosing a religion and understanding my own internal dialouge vs mysticism.

-when I went to lay down in my tent, one of the walls was missing for 20 minutes.

-that night I had many long, vivid, terrifying, psychedelic and ultraviolent nightmares. I woke up at least 6 times during the night. I was exhausted like hell the entire next day- I felt like I was going to collapse at any second.

-I fully loved the experience. The scarry parts were unbearable at the time, but looking back, they were good, in a sick way. They even helped me become a braver person.

Best trip ever.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 53351
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2018Views: 891
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