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Almost Like An Opiate High
Poppies - Opium
Citation:   OPIATEADDICT. "Almost Like An Opiate High: An Experience with Poppies - Opium (exp53613)". Dec 26, 2007.

350 g oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
I read quite a few reports about poppie seed tea so I figure I would give it a shot.

First of all I am an experienced opiate user including hydrocodone, codeine, oxycontin, percocet. My usual dosage of hydrocodone is 30mg

I started out buying 350g of poppie seeds from a local market. I poured the seeds into a class container and poured approximately 2.5 cups of hot water accompanied with about 1 lemons worth of juice. I let it steep for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionly, then straining through a t-shirt.

T+:00 ingested the 2.5 cups of tea which was suprisingly not bad at all. Even without adding any sugar or honey.

T+:25 effects start to come on like a mild opiate buzz, warm feeling, slight euphoria.

T:45 I started to develop a slight stomach ache, the buzz is for me about equal to takign 15mg of hydrocodone.

T:90 stomach ache has subsided, left with a calm feeling and relaxed, great time to watch a movie.

The effects lasted approximately 2 hours, but could tell there was a trace for almost 8 plus hours after ingestion. I did not detect any sort of constipation. the only downfall was the stomach ache that last for about 45 minutes.

I just ingested 550g of seed tea to attempt to get a more powerful trip. subsequent report will be up soon.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 53613
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2007Views: 25,396
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