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Friday Night: 'I Made Myself'
Citation:   ThripleKnot. "Friday Night: 'I Made Myself': An Experience with Mushrooms (exp5406)". Jan 11, 2002.

5.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
In a small, desolate corner of the desert, there isn't much for an average teenager to do. I had come to realize this and I had been analyzing the world around me - what did my life mean, who were my true friends... ect... ect... On this particular night, when there were no parties, nothing good at the movies, and definately no guys to be dating, I decided to treat myself to a special trip, besides my normal practice of driving around smoking bud and contemplating the mysterious of the universe while listening to music. So I met up with a friend who sold me approximately 5 grams of shrooms. One of my friends who was present at the time said that just looking at the shroom-filled cellephane 'gave him nightmares.' Indeed, they were fine shrooms, a white color with blue streaks throughout. There were several caps and many twisty, curly parts.

My parents were going out of town for the night, so on my way home from purchasing the shrooms I munched on about 2 grams to get my trip started, but where I could still funtion enough to tell my parents goodbye. After they had left I still wasn't feeling any of the effects so I munched down on the remaining 3 grams and decided to kick back for the night. While coming up I watch a fairly corny movie, 'Coyote Ugly' (trust me, not my typical shrooming flick of choice), but I got a lot of humor out of it, and noticed all the really cheesy parts, but appreciated them at the same time. As the shrooms started to take effect I turned my room into a tripping palace. I turned on the black lights, lit some incence, and popped in Incubus's (some of the best shrooming music, in my opinion) 'Make Yourself' and 'The Fungus Amoung Us.'

For about an hour to an hour and a half I kinda just lounged around, tripping out on how the music was intensifying and the color change and visuals and such. During this time I was also contemplating how I could make my life better, and how I felt like I had some much more to offer the world than this little dirt town could offer me. I also rolled two joints :)

After about an hour and a half of tripping two of my friends stopped by, with a bottle of Parot Bay and a 40 oz. of Mickey's for me. We drank, smoked bud and cigarettes, drank some more, and laughed. My friends were a little startled by my trip, after all, they were drunk, and had never really been around a shroomer before. They kept telling me how dilated my eyes were and I kept telling them how happy I was that they were there for me, when so many of my other friends had left, and how I could have fun without those other friends (many of my old friends had left for college and I was kind of in the middle of an identity crisis about it). The drinking and smoking only added to the high, and I started to speak in whispers and comment on the rainbows that were flowing from my friend's mouths, that's when they decided to leave.

When they left I decided to spend some time with nature and went outside and just lounged around the yard and then went for a short walk around the block, just to take in the beauty of the place that I loved, but for so many reasons felt like I hated. I also smoked another joint. The sky was beautiful that night, with many colored lights streaking the sky. When I got home I was really tripping (and getting cold) so I cranked up the music and let the trip flow. I started to remove all of my clothing, almost a 'spiritual striptease' because I wasn't exactly being seductive, I was admiring my own beauty of the temple of my body and appreciating it's every line and curve. I was peeling away the tight restrictive 'uniform' or the front that I put on everyday, and became bare, became me.

I stared in the mirror for a long time (for one I always trip on how my eyes look when I'm shrooming) and then started dancing around my room. I was dancing in the most fluid fashion, simply letting my body flow. I felt unrestrained, I felt that I was letting my spirit free from being bound down so long. I had also lit incense all around and the smoke was totally tripping me out. I could see it hovering just at eye level with me, it was an extremely cool visual. One startling experience, as 'The Fungus Among Us' CD came to an end, my three disc changer went on to the next disc. An unusual noise, a noise that surprised me, yet excited me started, and an unfamiliar CD started to play, but the words and the music sounded so beautiful, I could definately relate. This might sound corny, but the next day I discovered I had been listening to the Stroke 9 'Nasty Little Thoughts' CD. This might sound cheesy to some, but trust me, I had a totally religious experience over it.

By this time I was having some bad-ass open eye visuals. I could hardly see my room any longer, it was if a screen of red and blue swirly dots had covered my eyes. I layed down and covered up and had a long series of open/closed eye visuals, and then slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep. I wasn't 'hung over' or anything the next morning, in fact, after going to sleep at 5 in the morning after a 6 hour trip, I woke at 8 AM, ready to start my day in the beautiful new world that I had discovered the night before. Emotionally, I felt pretty happy, pretty satisfied. I felt that I had found something beautiful within myself, and even if no one else knew it was there, I knew it, and I had seen it, and that comforted me.

I had a bit of a sad or depressed undercurrent to the whole thing. I found myself missing old friends and lovers and wishing that I could still share times as wonderful as the night before with them, but for the most part I was content and very satisfied with the trip....
As Incubus would say... I made myself...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5406
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2002Views: 7,970
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