What Am I?
Mushrooms & Ketamine
Citation:   Loony. "What Am I?: An Experience with Mushrooms & Ketamine (exp54702)". Erowid.org. Feb 26, 2018. erowid.org/exp/54702

  oral Mushrooms (dried)
After 6 years listening to extreme metal me and my friends discovered the world of goa/ psy trance. And of course the drugs that goes with the scene.

So we decided to go to the Fullmoon festival in Germany.

The first day I made a good deal and bought a lot of LSD, but I didn’t feel the need to trip, so I gave some to my friends and sold the rest.

I took some MDMA but for some reason my body rejected it, same story with XTC a day later. But the festival was so good, that it didn’t matter, and I gave up on drugs.

Until the last night, a friend offered me mushrooms because he didn’t want to trip alone. I took some of his shrooms because I felt good enough to trip. It must have been 1/3 of the portion, but I don’t know what kind of shrooms it was.

I lost the guy out of sight, and I started to enjoy the festival more and more. Everything was so beautiful, and I loved everything I saw. 1200 Mics was playing and I was as one with the music. Only I understood it.. I started laughing and laughing and I couldn’t stop it. I know I thought “damn, I must look like some kind of maniac” But it didn’t matter, and I wanted this feeling to last forever.

It was a pretty weird feeling, it didn’t feel like I took shrooms at all. I could still dance and talk to people, usually I sit in a corner enjoying my own world where no one can reach me. It felt like MDMA, but I started to see visuals (which I had never seen before on shrooms) the faces of the people started to change and everybody was laughing.. And all I could do was laugh with them.

Later I ran into a guy which I had met on the festival before. I knew he had DMT and I asked if he still had that, ‘cuz I wanted to please my friends with it. He said he didn’t have it, he only had some ketamine. He asked me if I wanted that. And at that point I made a mistake by thinking ketamine was amphetamine. It all sounded the same for me, and I couldn’t think straight, everything was good, nothing was bad. I could use some amphetamines because I wanted the feeling to last forever. So we walked to his car, and when we walked back he asked me how my stomach was feeling. I know I thought, what a strange question, why would my stomach feel strange after some speed.

I said I would see the guy on the dance floor, and I walked to a tent/ shop of some super cool people. I gave them back a blanket that I bored from them and I asked them to come dancing. I wanted to walk away and then I crashed down.
I started to realise what was running in my blood and I started to lose my body, I couldn’t feel if I was sitting or lying. I couldn’t even imagine that I ever had a body. Some special force picked me up and made me float to another world.

I can’t describe what those worlds looking like, it was magical. Sometimes I felt like God, I could see the whole world, the festival, my friends at home, and I could control everything. I was one with the world. And everything was so clear. Everything made sense. I couldn’t believe that there are people out there bullshitting about what shoes to wear, or in what religion one should believe. I didn’t even have a body, and even that didn’t matter.
I couldn’t believe that there are people out there bullshitting about what shoes to wear, or in what religion one should believe. I didn’t even have a body, and even that didn’t matter.

There were also moments that I got scared and realised that it was all a dream. There were moments that I didn’t know if I was still alive. I heard myself saying “who am I?” and even more important “what am I? ”

I tried to get up, or at least move but I felt like a robot without power
I tried to get up, or at least move but I felt like a robot without power
, I know some guy covered me with a blanket, but I didn’t feel it. I wanted to thank him, but I couldn’t say it. I was also thankful to these people around me that I hardly knew, I was thankful that they just let me alone and that they didn’t ask annoying questions. I caught myself touching my head to see if it was still there, I also caught myself throwing up. But nothing was the matter, it still all felt very good. Then I came to a point that I saw myself sitting in front of the tent, and I realised that I had a body, that I was human, that I could go back if I wanted.

After a while I woke up, the amazing people around me didn’t ask me a thing. They just let me do my story, but I couldn’t talk, I had the same feeling as before: all I could do was laughing and laughing.

The next morning I woke up alone in the tent/ shop, and I left a note to thank these guys.When I walked away I realised what had happened to me that night. I think even if I would have planned the ketamine it would have scared the shit out of me. I didn’t know ketamine could give me a near death experience, it turned my world up side down and inside out and its all in my head. I didn’t know ketamine could be so brutal. The mushrooms saved me that night, they just made me enjoy the whole trip, otherwise it would have been the worst trip of my life.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54702
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 26, 2018Views: 1,924
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Mushrooms (39), Ketamine (31) : General (1), Combinations (3), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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