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Limbs Feel Like Sinking Submarines
Poppies - California
Citation:   mindful. "Limbs Feel Like Sinking Submarines: An Experience with Poppies - California (exp55339)". Feb 25, 2018.

3 cups oral Poppies - California (tea)
California Poppy Tea

Early in the day, while on a walk, I passed by several California poppy plants. I decided to harvest one. So, at nightfall, I went out and grabbed a fair sized one, root and all.

Once home, I proceded to rinse it thoroughly (in case pesticides had gotten on it), then tore it up into smaller pieces. I put the pieces into a tea pot, and boiled in roughly 6 cups of water for about 20 minutes. I then drank three cups. It tasted like a bitter, buttery smelling drink.

The effects snuck up on me, though quickly. Sort of one of those things where you're watching TV, then you get up to go pee and think, 'wow, I'm a little fucked up.' The effects are slightly opioid like, without the profound sense of well being. That is to say it's not that heady of a high. Limbs feel like sinking submarines, and my eyes began to zone stare.
Limbs feel like sinking submarines, and my eyes began to zone stare.
That's about it. Not really all that pleasant, but certainly not all that sober.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55339
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 25, 2018Views: 2,373
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Poppies - California (279) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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