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My Last Time with Giraffes
Citation:   Meghan. "My Last Time with Giraffes: An Experience with Datura (exp55804)". Jun 15, 2007.

  oral Datura (seeds)
The first time I ever took datura, and my only time, was July of 2006. I remember being in the car with my friend her boyfriend and his 2 friends, her boyfriend opened the pod for her and the boy Money opened mine so I could get my seeds out me and her both downed the slimy seeds, and I asked to be driven home just incase the experience would be worse then I was wanting, which it was.

I remember I was sitting on the computer for an hour but to me only felt like 5 minutes, I tried to go to bed but would wake up in sweats flipping my head twitching after every 3 seconds of laying there, I went into the bathroom and wouldn't stop peeing. I started to crawl on all fours like a dog in a circle continuously for this was the only thing calming me down.

Then I went back to my bedroom but on the way I fell in the hallway and slammed into my mom’s bedroom door. My aunt and mom came running out of there rooms asking me what I was on. My aunt yelled at me to lie in bed but instead I got on top and crawled on all fours again, and my mom was worried I had already overdosed, so they decided to drive me to the hospital, but at some point my mom said I went back into the bathroom and my pants were to my ankles and blood was all over my legs because I was on my period

They said I would stand on the front lawn looking at the headlights saying “ooo” look at the pretty lights. They drove me to the hospital. I went to the hospital, and they said I was grabbing up the doctors legs, and I swore I dropped something behind the nurse’s station. I was restrained to the bed, trying to rip out my IV. They had been trying to make me drink charcoal to pump my stomach but I kept spilling it all over myself, so they winded up pumping my stomach twice by putting the tubes down both my nostrils.

I remember I hated the one nurse and continuously kept trying to punch her in the mouth. My aunt and mom would ask me what I took and I would say where is my cigarettes. I asked my aunt for crack and cocaine for a friend but I don’t do that and neither does she. When my mom came, I remember talking to her, and she said something to me, and I thought she was a friend so I would keep blurting out, “You sound just like my mother. I thought Chuckie was after me. I saw dead animals piled on top of each other in a corner. I kept thinking I was smoking a cig, then it would disappear. I thought my mom was talking to me through an AIM box, I thought there were twins in my room, snakes, bug, and DR. Seuss looking clocks. I kept jumping out of bed, and security came and asked me to get back in and I would be like, “What are you doing in my room? Get out before I punch you in the face!”. I kept asking why my grandmother had re arranged her bedroom.

Hours later, my mom finally got it out of me what I had took, and no one knew what it was so they were all researching it, my heart almost exploded my heart rate was 150, so I got sent to children's hospital. where I kept thinking giraffes were in the lobby and rap music was playing. I tripped out for 2 days, and all I know is I will never do that again. I'm still afraid to go to bed at night thinking my heart will stop, and I’m always feeling my chest for a heart beat.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55804
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 15, 2007Views: 11,641
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Datura (15) : Hospital (36), Hangover / Days After (46), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), First Times (2)

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