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12 Gram Mushroom
Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis
Citation:   PsychedelicRecon. "12 Gram Mushroom: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis & Cannabis (exp55909)". Feb 18, 2008.

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11.7 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
    smoked Cannabis  
[Erowid Note: Without further detailed information about how the material was stored and measured, it is reasonable to guess that the dose in this report may be overstated.]

I have read here and there from 'people in the know' (or they like to think) that acid and mushrooms do not cause 'true' hallucinations, only distortion of reality. To these people I would just like to say you didn't eat enough! Before I tell the story let me inform that I had done mushrooms several times prior to this experience in the 3-4 gram range. I did not experience 'true' hallucinations at these doses, although I did have awesome visuals. This time was different, and although it was a 'bad trip' at the time, I also consider it one of the most beneficial from a learning perspective.

Me and two of my friends decided one evening to do mushrooms and make a campfire in the woods behind one of their houses. One of my friends had more then we would ever consider eating in one sitting, so we began dividing up our doses. Amongst the bag was a freak shroom, still intact with a cap roughly 6 inches across (dry). I joked 'wonder what that thing would do to you if you ate it?', and my friend responded, 'want to find out?'. I was feeling rather adventureous at the time and since I wasn't paying for them I embraced the opportunity to find out what a high dose had to offer.

My friends ate roughly 5 grams each of multiple mushrooms and I started into the monster shroom (which we weighed to be 11.7 grams), taking bites from the cap and stem, chewing enough to swallow then chasing the nasty mush with water (my personal preference for eating them). We then headed out for the woods.

We built a small fire for light and waited for the effects. I could feel the mushrooms taking hold as I had a major body buzz and found myself complaining about how cold it was (it wasn't really that cold out, probably 65F). Once the 'something is going to happen' feeling became very strong, we broke out the catalyst, high grade pot.

Pot kicks mushrooms in like nothing else, I literally go from feeling very weird and anxious to tripping almost instantly. Pot can also bring me back to tripping if I am coming down and want to milk the trip a bit longer. Anyway, we smoked a large bowl of some Siver Haze (sativa), and WHAM... full blown trip underway.

The normal visuals were there, although very strong. My friends' faces morphed, the trees strobed with a sort of inner energy that could be observed, size and time were very distorted, geometric patterns covered the backdrop of my vision. At this point I realized I may have made a mistake by eating twice as much as my two friends because they seemed to be communicating rather well with each other, but I was clearly on another level and several times during conversation with them I completely misunderstood what they were talking about. I will also mention that 3 isn't necessarily company while doing psychedelics. Two people or 4 or 5 is preferred, but three creates a group dynamic that often leaves one person feeling left out and or isolated.

After awhile hanging out at the fire (no real way of guaging the actual time) we decided to go walking. This is when the really crazy stuff started. While walking in the dark woods (we had no flashlights, but shroom induced pupil dilation seems to help with night vision) I saw very clearly a stream of numbers and letters flowing at a high rate of speed thru my vision. The stream orginated from the left behind my head and streamed in a up and down wavy fashion across my visual field out into infinity. They looked like 8bit bold font with just the edges of each symbol done in neon green, and seemed to be completely random as far as the order (5OHE3N1MEAR9FDW7...). I was amazed that my brain could create what I was seeing with such speed and accuracy as far as uniformity and randomness of the symbols. Geometric patterns, although amazing in their own right, seem to be a feasable result of misfiring neruons. This was much more impressive.

At this point my friends were a good ways ahead of me as I stopped for awhile to awe the stream of numbers and letters. These gradually faded after awhile, and lead into another, more disterbing hallucination.

There were ghosts and vampires comming out of the trees. Not jumping out of the trees, but morphing out of the trunks. Let me clairify here that this was not simply 'shadow play', they were very real. I actually remember thinking 'what a fool I was to think that ghosts and vampires do not exist, they are real... you only need to alter your perception to detect them'. Now at this point my 'friends' (good friends eh?) were quite aways away (I think they gave up on trying to communicate with me). Although I was standing in near pitch black, in the middle of the woods, with ghosts and vampires comming out of the woodwork (literally), I did not feel afraid. They did not seem to notice me, and were simply going about their business, morphing in and out of trees.

Although I did not feel threatened by the ghosts and vampires I was concerned with what I might see next, so I made my best effort to catch up with my friends. This was somewhat difficult as my sight was fucked and it was dark with the trees blocking the moonlight. We eventually made a big circle and wound up back at our now dwindling fire. I think they were a little upset with me for just complaining about being cold while they looked for wood, but I was honestly too disfunctional to assist.

At this point I had my next major hallucination. There was a break in the canopy that opened up to the night sky. In the sky I saw an aliens head (since this experience I have read documention that this entity is often refered to as the 'Mantid'). As with the ghosts and vampires it was as clear as day (although somewhat 2 dementional), and seemed to be communicating to me through telepathy. It was 'telling me' about how aliens put magic mushrooms on the earth millions of years ago in order to save humans from themselfs. It seemed pleased that my friends and myself were partaking in its 'gift'.

The alien casually disappeared (like the stream and the ghosts) and was replaced with one final hallucination, although this one probably does not fall into the catagory of 'true hallucination'.

I had a very real delusion that my friends brought me down into the woods that night to murder me. This scared me much more then the ghosts or alien. My reasons for being convinced of this was that a. we were not even close to 'best friends', b. they seemed to ignore me much of the night, c. there was lots of 'drug' stuff I knew about them and I was soon to be joining the military, d. my karma was off at the time, e. they initiated this little trip.

My whacked out mushroom thinking was that since I would soon be turning my back on the 'drug world' in order to join the military, that I was turning my back on 'the truth' that psychedelics bring. I would be going to join 'the man' and become just another sheep listening and beliveing all I was told by the corupt govenment. Once brainwashed and converted, I could be a risk as far as what I knew about their dealings with drugs. On top of that, my karma (or personal accoutablity, whatever you like to call it) was in the negitive at the time, so the slaying in my mind was justified on some sort of cosmic level. You hear of young adult males found dead for some sort of drug related reason, I was sure I was to be one of them...

Having accepted my certain death, I stared into the fire and effectively was looking into hell (which is where I was convinced I would go after being murdered). It is really hard to explain what I mean by looking into hell, I didn't think I was 'in' hell (like some people do when having a bad trip), but more of like 'hey, here is a sneak preview of what you have to look forward to'. It was as if the devil arranged for there to be that campfire in order to show me what was awaiting.

I finally cracked and begged my friends not to kill me. They looked at me like I was crazy, but at the time I interperted this as them just pretending to not know what I was talking about. I told them that I had decided not to join the military. Again, the looked at me like 'WTF are you talking about?'

To make a long story short, I suddenly snapped out of it. Just like that. Even the visuals seemed to leave all at once (minor distortion lasted a few hours, but nothing noteworthy). I really found my former revelation about the murder funny, and my friends did too once I told them.

The moral of the story is this, mushrooms CAN cause flat out hallucinations at higher levels (low levels for some people). Don't take high doses around people you don't COMPLETELY trust. And ghosts, vampires, and aliens DO exist (lol, they certainly did that night).

I have never tripped that hard before or since, save a few salvia experiences and mixing nitrous with mushrooms (awesome) but that is another story...

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 55909
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2008Views: 1,536
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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