Purging a Demon (How a Toonie Saved My Life)
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   dmonk. "Purging a Demon (How a Toonie Saved My Life): An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp57566)". Erowid.org. Nov 15, 2022. erowid.org/exp/57566

8.5 g oral Mushrooms
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
    smoked Cannabis
I though I was indestructible, I could handle any amount of a psychedelic in any conditions with any mindset, but this trip set me straight...

It was me and three other buddies: Mookie, Simon, Persy. We purchased the mushrooms around 9:25 and were at the small get-together by 10:00. We promptly ate the mushrooms, just the four of us. The other 3 were familiar with the setting they had been to this house before. Me on the other hand didn't know anybody, nor had I ever been to this house.

As soon as we ate the mushrooms me and mookie proceeded outside for a cigarette, mookie then started to sway and realized he was tripping too hard. He then ran up the stairs to the backyard I followed, he then fell and was out cold, he came to several minutes later with no idea what had happened or how he got on the ground.

By this time it had been about 20-25 minutes since I had ingested the mushrooms and was already feeling it. My trip seem to start early but the coming up took forever. But as I sat in this kids basement I started to feel weird as my peak began around 1-1.5 hours after ingesting the mushrooms. I felt as if there were something inside me that wanted to get out. I was startled by this new feeling.

After about 2 hours I was fully into the peak, at this point we were sitting in a dining room with only candles lighting it and on the dining room table was a thin sheet of fabric. I knew this wasn't going to be my average mushrooms trip at this point. I still had the feeling and it was stronger some sort of evil is trying to escape my body. And as I looked at the thin sheet of fabric I felt as if it was the essence. It was the only thing real in the room. As it shimmered and changed form.

After about 4 hours after munching the mushrooms I was till just sitting in the candle lit room. At this point I had to go outside for a smoke with a buddy who showed up a bit later and also ate mushrooms. He asked me basic questions like where do u live and I had no idea where I lived. I then looked at the backyard and fully took it all in I was in a whole different place then the place I came to before I ate the mushrooms. I then proceeded back into the house confused.

Then at about 5-6 hours after chilling in the dining room for a while longer I decided to walk around the house but as I stood up and looked at the doorway leading to the kitchen there was a force field and then I sat back down but couldn't figure out what was I sitting on. I then got scared I might lose my mind forever. At that point the kids whose house we were at father came down and told us to get out. As I looked at him his face just started to stretch out. I then screamed and ran outside told everyone I was leaving, I then went to the fence to wait for my friends. Mookie came outside talking about how his feet were backwards. We then started running, as we got tired we stopped and realized we had no idea where we were.

It was about half an hour before we found are way to the bus stop (which was not in a good neighborhood). After about 7 hours into my trip everything just kept getting more and more intense it was like this peak would never end
After about 7 hours into my trip everything just kept getting more and more intense it was like this peak would never end
I was convinced that I was gonna be permanently tripping this hard and was seriously considering throwing myself into oncoming traffic.

So anyways we get to the bus stop I go inside and sit down on the ground and try to close my eyes to escape the trip, but no luck. The eidetic imagery was worse than having my eyes open, it was moving and crawling patterns that seemed, I was convinced, to be a snake wrapping its tail around my psyche and this was the sign that I was gone for good.

After about 15 minutes of waiting for the bus I realized I didn't have any money to get on. Thats when it happened the feeling of evil trying to escape me finally overcame me and I got up without saying a word and walked into a world that was my own vision of hell. The bricks of buildings were screaming faces, I could hear the howls of demons from hell. I looked up at the trees and they started to bleed black blood onto the ground. I then vomited terribly and I had puked up the same black blood as the trees, I purged the evil from myself and the feeling of something trying to escape vanished after puking up the thick black blood. I then tried to call a parent to pick me up seeing that I had no money to get on the bus. None picked up, but as soon as my friends found out I was trying to call a parent in this state of mind they immediately set me straight. Luckily my friend had an extra 2 dollars to get on the bus.

I eventually made it home and after about 14 hours the trip just stopped completely. Surprisingly abruptly.

The lesson learned here is no matter how experienced you think you are with psychedelic drugs. Whether you were capable of handling a huge amount of a psychedelic drug before it is impossible, unless you have the equipment to tell how powerful or how pure its going to be anything can happen. I have had bad trips before because something was on my mind. But I thought the trip I had only happened in myths and tall tales. Be-careful and always remember dose set and setting. No matter how experienced you think you are.

I'm not sure what I actually vomited up. I hadn't eaten since about 1:45 p.m. So I doubt it was food. Since this trip I have thanked god or a greater divine power a thousands times for setting me straight. DO NOT ABUSE PSYCHEDELICS! They are not good to be used just to get F^%^%^ UP! I learned the hard way so you don't have to...

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57566
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 15, 2022Views: 373
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Mushrooms (39) : Entities / Beings (37), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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