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An Unforgettable Trip
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Inferno. "An Unforgettable Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp57719)". Jun 16, 2009.

3 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    oral Mushrooms (tea)
Although I've done mushrooms many times before, I've never had a trip like this. I had an 1/8 to myself, but hadn't eaten the entire thing. Mostly I just picked out the caps. I'm almost completely 'normal' again, but the after effects of the mushrooms still swim through my mind.

I think I got some really good mushrooms this time. It's winter, now, a little bit of snow on the ground and pretty chilly but my boyfriend and I decided to take mushrooms in the forest. I don't think I was dressed warmly enough, and around the same time I began to feel the mushrooms we decided to start jogging around to increase our body heat. The forest was gorgeous, and I recognized the same things I had from previous trips, the trees, leafless, swayed in the breeze but seemed more to me as if they were dancing. Everything in the woods became more beautiful, and eventually we decided to take a seat on a very intricate-looking log and smoke a bowl.

Since we were sitting down again, we started to grow cold, and I realized it was getting dark. We decided to take the Max (public train) back to my boyfriend's place, even though we didn't have fare. As soon as we reached the station, I became paranoid. Few people were there, but it felt as if everyone was staring into my (probably dilated) eyes. My boyfriend had eaten a particularly large 1/8 with mostly caps, and was tripping much harder then I. Once I got on the train, everything seemed very warped and unusual. The floor seemed more like a magic carpet, and above my head the lights twinkled oddly. I couldn't make out the words on the advertisements, as text moved around faster then I could read it.

After about 5 stops, to my horror, two fare inspectors boarded the train. I grabbed my boyfriend, urging him to get off with me, but he didn't see the inspectors (and possibly didn't even understand why I was distressed) and the doors closed. A horrible feeling of doom swept over me, I was trapped. I immediately felt the need to vomit, which worsened when the inspector asked for proof of payment. As he wrote me a ticket, I couldn't even remember my name. I started to hallucinate much more vividly, and everything seemed dark. I'm not sure if the inspector knew I was tripping, although I'm pretty sure he got a hint of something, because instead of giving me a fine he said I'd have to go to court. My boyfriend got just a warning.

Finally, the inspectors left, and we got off the train a few stops early. We decided to walk the rest of the way. We passed a crowd of hundreds of people, all who seemed to be talking very loudly and staring at me. Once we got to the sidestreets, however, everything started to go very differently. As I walked, I started to become very conscious of the energy from the plants and trees I passed, I started smiling and laughing, talking nonstop about how wondrous everything seemed to be. I felt as if I had suddenly been given all the knowledge in the world. I told my boyfriend I knew everything. Perhaps he was just humoring me, but he seemed suddenly relieved. I'm pretty sure he couldn't remember the way to his house and was very glad I did.

We decided that we'd go to his house, get warm clothes and bike across the city. After we got into his room, though, I sat down by the door and he sat on his bed and we giggled our heads off. Some of his roommates heard us and decided to smoke some bowls, which we enthusiastically agreed to. The owner of the house, who happened to be british, offered us some mushroom tea. We both became so excited about his tea (the man is very skilled in making food and drink of all kinds) that we forgot how hard we were already tripping, although I must say the tea was absolutely delicious. About an hour later, my boyfriend went to the bathroom and didn't come back for what seemed to me like hours. Later, when I asked him he said he'd been distracted by a shimmering water spirit in the bathtub.

All alone in his room, everything became very intense. I had the idea that I should try to step outside my body. After a few minutes of meditating on the idea, I began to see a ghostlike version of my own form through very blurry eyes, then, I saw my own body, my mouth hanging open slightly. Sure I had achieved my goal, I moved my arm, which instantly sent me 'back...' At this point I was sure I was the most magical being on the earth. Everything seemed to make perfect sense, life's deepest mysteries suddenly clear to me. I should note the room had blacklights, and various glowing items scattered across the room. I couldn't stop looking at everything, it all seemed so beautiful. I yelled out loud in excitement (wow!) and realized I was glowing as well. I became convinced that the glow coming from my body was my own energy, and that I could shape it and command it as I wished. I cupped my hands together, conjuring a ball of magic for what seemed a half hour, but the clock recorded as 2 minutes. I 'blessed' various objects in the room with this magic, then laid down, and finally decided to find my boyfriend.

He was staring into the bathtub when I found him, and eventually we decided to hang out with his roommates. They were both tripping very hard, but I don't think it was quite as pleasant for them. There was a lot of stimulation, and I'm afraid that with my nonstop laughter I overwhelmed our friends, eventually, we were politely asked to leave, as one woman erupted in tears. When my hallucinations finally wore off, we decided to eat some dinner (a few days after thanksgiving yielded delicious leftovers) accompanied by some gorgeous purple buds, to increase our appetites. Upon smoking more weed, my hallucinations returned. It was quite enjoyable. After a time, I went home, convinced that such an experience must be recorded so I never forget.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57719
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2009Views: 4,270
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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