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Dead but Satisfied
Citation:   PuffPuffPass. "Dead but Satisfied: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp58492)". Jul 7, 2009.

  oral Mushrooms
I'm 15 and a sophomore in high school, I was recently caught drinking so I was grounded at the time. I got invited out with some friends who were going to do mushrooms. I was excited to try them so I made an excuse to get out, said I'd be back at 6pm, and left. I met up with them and we proceeded to eat these mushrooms. I'm not quite sure how many I ate, but it was about a gram more than everyone else, and they had done this before.

I had never done any Psychedelics so I was expecting to be perfectly functional and would just see colors and maybe patterns. I was wrong. I start to feel it when we all decide to sit down against a building. I looked up and the building looked like it was unstable and going to fall, I didn't worry about it though. We decide to head into a grassy area across the street and I sit down, the grass looks really thick and rubbery.

We head into an apartment where my friend lives and I start feeling it a lot more. I’m getting a full body warmness, kind of like when I'm on downers. When we get into the apartment I crash down on the chair, everyone else was on the couch and really seemed to be enjoying themselves. By this time everything was spinning and twisting. After awhile they all decide to lie down on the bed, I’m still too overwhelmed to move so I set in the room by myself for awhile.

I have no clue how long I was in the room because I had no sense of time. I kept staring at my cell phone thinking hours had gone by but it was only minutes. I finally muster up the strength to stand up and stumble over to a mirror. I looked into the mirror and my face was morphing into different shapes. It would go from a really sad depressed face, to a horribly angry face, to a happy smiling face. Everything else in the mirror was just a blur. I realize that I shouldn’t be in the room alone, and I should be enjoying it more. So I stumble into the room where my friends are and crash down on the bottom of the bed. I couldn’t even get my whole body on the bed. That’s when I started peaking.

I curled up in the fetal position and started shaking. I couldn’t make out anything anyone was saying and decided to stop trying to understand them. After awhile everything stopped spinning and I felt totally separated from the world. I had died, I was freezing, but I was totally content with it. It was like I was in heaven, completely free of worries. I really don’t know how to put it in to words, it was like I was folding into myself, and the whole world was folding in and out. I felt like my heart was the only part of my body still in existence and the beating of my heart was keeping me warm.

On occasion I could hear my friends saying “Are you alright?” or “How are you feeling?” but I couldn’t respond. The only words that made sense in my mind period were “Weird”, “What the hell”, and “I don’t know”. I remember trying to get under the blanket, but I couldn’t function right. Every time I would make a move crawl to the other part of the bed I fell down. I finally gave up. This lasted for some time.

I am way overwhelmed, but now I know I’m alive. I felt like an inanimate, but living object, like a plant. I saw a book but didn’t know what words were, I had no clue how to talk, who I was, or where I was. Finally, I heard one person saying “We have to go”. I was so happy that I understood a full sentence that I almost broke into tears.

One of the kids (who basically came to laugh at us while we were tripping and didn’t take anything) had to leave. I rolled off the bed and stood up. Standing was a HUGE head-rush alone. We start walking down the halls and everything is spinning. I keep dropping my phone and stammering around to pick it back up.

After we finally got to the lobby to let the kid off I had to crash down on the couch. Time kept having pauses in it, things would just freeze for 10 seconds or so at a time. Everyone seems to be coming down, but I’m still feeling the full effects. The other people were talking about their trip I didn’t know how to make a sentence correctly. Everyone was asking me how I was doing and I said something along the lines “Its like…..” and then couldn’t think of any other word.

I finally started coming down, the effects were dying down. I was relieved, but sad that it was finishing up at the same time. Everything stopped twisting, then the shadows stopped moving, and everything was returning to normal. People’s faces still seemed to be a bit “off” and the threads in my jeans looked like they were changing places, but I was functional.

I looked at my phone to see a ton of missed calls from my parents and it was 7:30pm! I said I’d be home at 6! That was not good since I was already grounded. So I decide I’m already in enough trouble, so I’ll stay inside until the trip is completely over. When I finally got out of the house it was 8:15 or so. I had to run home and I got there at 8:45. My parents were really angry, but I told them I was at a movie which somehow worked.

I couldn’t eat any food that night, I refused dinner and lied down. I couldn’t get to sleep until late and I was in a great euphoric state for the rest of the night. I had no respect for the plant and was stupid about not doing it when I had more time. I can say that my outlook on everything changed, I don’t know how or what, but I feel like a void was filled. I’m sure I’ll do shrooms again, but next time I’ll be prepared.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58492
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 7, 2009Views: 3,688
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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