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Dream Myriads
Calea zacatechichi (10x extract)
by Mic
Citation:   Mic. "Dream Myriads: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi (10x extract) (exp58743)". Mar 12, 2007.

1.0 g oral Calea zacatechichi (extract - 10x)
I ordered Calea. The night my order came through I took a gram of the Calea extract and emptied it into a small amount of hot water ready to drink. Man this stuff is so bitter even with just a small amount of extract. I later went to bed expecting some mild shroom type visuals and vivid dreams. I awoke 2 hours later with a mild feeling that maybe I had been dreaming and was a bit pissed of coz I really hoped it would have worked. So I just rested my head on the pillow in annoyance, but when I later drifted of I got a fantastic set of dreams throughout the whole night.

Dream number 1:I was dreaming of an eastenders plot which I had recently watched. Sonia was accused of murdering her mother in-law and was on the run. Phil Mitchell took it upon he’s self to help her with her escape plan which he did. The dream ended with him going to a meeting involving the whole eastenders set, where they planned to bring Sonia to justice. Silly but cool dream.
Viewable only dream. Non-lucid


Dream 2:
A pretty woman and her boyfriend had somehow ended up getting caught in some drainage/sewer and were desperate to be saved. They were also joined by several young kids, then kids one by one began going missing then later turning up dead floating in this not to dirty actually... sewer. Then it was discovered that the sewer was infested by this overgrown human eating slugs on which their was a main giant leader. The team discovered this and then somehow found an exit to hightail it out before they joined the menu, so we wandered through this network of sewers and eventually found an entrance leading out to some type of secret garden facility guarded by a security guard. This security guard discovered are presence and then started firing shots. The exit waqs this secures doors which were gradually closing in for us so I quickly flew over to these doors and became the only survivor of this guys gun battle. This entrance lead to some secret garden complex for which I used to hid from this mad man.
Interactive dream


Dream 3:
I had this university exam about bones and muscles yet it was really strange coz it took place in my bedroom and I had to use a tape measure to find the correct answer.... I failed lol. INTERACTIVE DREAM


Dream 4:
I was sitting down with my mum watching a doc about P.Diddy's friend passing away. He looked identical to him and was due to hold a party to celebrate this friends life. Somehow I was a guest at this party. Had fun. INTERACTIVE DREAM. LUCID


Dream 5: I was watchin’ a soap opera about the Jackson family owning this hotel in a ghetto part of the USA based in the 70's. It was also strange because I remember an actress being in their who is normally slim and pretty in this she was really huge and old looking Dream was o.k. VIEWABLE/INTERACTIVE DREAM


So overall I found Calea to be a thoroughly satisfying herb for dream amplification and variety. The first thing I noted was not just the huge number of dreams I has were coz I normally remember one max, but also the vividness and clarity with which each dream presented. Another cool note: the alteration in dreams I found was that this dreams seemed to flow gently in to each other like a kind of thought stream. However I did not get any of the other effects people have reported about this herb such as the mild closed eye visuals. I guess everyone responds to psychoactives in varied degrees.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58743
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2007Views: 13,243
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Calea zacatechichi (97), Dreams (85) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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