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I Found Myself! I'm Turned ON!!
Citation:   Playtrecks. "I Found Myself! I'm Turned ON!!: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp58780)". Jan 2, 2018.

2 g oral Mushrooms
    smoked Cannabis
My story tells of a personal journey, of how I reached my highest high, and how beautiful I found it all. I was at home all alone and I decided to take my shrooms. They were crumbs mostly but alot of them. 2 grams to be exact. I hadnt eaten at all so I figured it would be all good.

About an hour later I went outside with this huge joint. I smoked part of it and put it in my pen box for later. As I walked through a field by my house this bench seemed like it was moving away from me. Like it was so far. The grass seemed strange to me. And as I looked at it, it melted kinda.

About an hour and 15 minutes after ingestion I started walking back home and the grass seemed so different! It illuminated, such a strange beautiful bright green color, so different than before!! The sidewalk seemed odd, like the moss through the cracks made it seem like some little Norwegian troll village complete with a waterfall and windmills. I didnt actually see this, but I imagined it somehow, and I laughed about it. I always get really excited when I know I'm gonna trip. When I would get a little scared or shocked by a thought, when I became worried or nervy for a brief minute, I would not only feel it mentally, but physically. I would feel this terrified scared feeling in my stomach if I was sad by a thought and this jovial, physically pleasing high when I felt good about something. I realized that what I thought and felt mentally, it directly affected how I would feel physically. It was amazing.

As I started walking closer home I started thinking of words in this odd way. Like I would think of the name of an object, except it was the wrong word. Gibberish fake words seemed so real, so true. Like, I knew it wasnt a word, but I had this overwhelming urge that it was. I felt as though my mind could blend and overlap different words and sounds into completely new thoughts. Sounds could connect to make new sounds. Sounds known only by me.

I walked the rest of the way home and thought. Real hard. About numerous savant ideas. I was so into it. When I got home I stood in numerous parts of my room for extended periods, not really even doing anything. I was thinking. Very deep. About nothing in particular, or maybe everything as a whole. I felt like the room was open behind me, like I wasnt inside the room closed in, like one side was open. I attributed this to the hole between the air conditioner and the window, and guessed that the sound of the wind was amplified due to the shrooms. It was quite appealing. I looked at the mirror and saw this little rainbow lights all over the room. I just stood there. I kept on thinking about if the door to my room was really locked and did I hide my joint well, but every time I thought about checking my mind trailed off and I forgot why I was standing to begin with. I sat on my bed and took out my book. I began to write some of the odd new words down. They never seemed to come down right. Like letters couldnt describe the sounds I wanted to portray.

Then something amazing happened. I got this sort of sensation in my stomach. Like I was being licked. Really, it felt like it. Something was licking my stomach. I slowly picked my shirt up to see what it was. Nothing was there. I felt like there was a beast inside my stomach and somehow this beasts tongues were penetrating from inside my stomach to the outside of my body. I then felt like there was a mouth on my stomach. Like it was my mouth, except instead of being on my face, it was on my stomach. This was so intriguing, so infinatly interesting to me. I felt so GOOD! Mentally and physically. I mean really I had a physical high and all. I had never felt so good before.
I felt so GOOD! Mentally and physically. I mean really I had a physical high and all. I had never felt so good before.
Not ever.

Alot of strange things began to happen to me. I had my legs crossed and felt like they were in some sort of strange air or were wet or something. I felt numerous tongues, with no mouths just sitting on my body like leeches. I kept on feeling things licking me, and it tickled. Then I felt like my breasts turned into the upper and lower mandible of a mouth and that there was a tongue in between them. It was so cool. I kept on writing things down in my book but many came out misspelled. I would add extra syllables if I said something aloud. I just laid there, I was so high, and I felt so good about everything. I had never felt so happy in all my life. I looked at my beatles - abbey road poster and the street in it swirled and danced. I felt like my legs had been melted together at the ankle. I was a mermaid. Then I touched my breast and it really felt so strange. At first I was sure I was holding a bag of sand, then a slab of freash meat, and then a cushion. I liked this alot. Then I felt it turn into a balloon and let go because it scared me a little. Who wants thier boob to pop?

When I would hear a noise, it would startle me. I would jump a little. And I could feel the multicolored energy rings around myself as I moved. I got to wondering, 'had I ever moved at all?'

The rest of the day passed and my high wore off. I still felt very fragile emotionally the rest of the day. The emotional sensitivity is something I dont particularly like but deal with.

I'm so happy I did this. Every part of my experience was lovely except for the fact that alot of it had to do with my boobs and everyone always talks about them and it kinda pisses me off. I'm not trying to flaunt anything by saying that but whatever. I was so happy through this all. Shrooms are like a mentor for me. I realize the beauty of the whole sixties thing and only wish I could have been there to see it. I love it.

The happy ones are near
Let's get together
Before we get much older
- The Who, Baba O'Reilly

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 58780
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 2, 2018Views: 1,039
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Mushrooms (39) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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