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Contact with the Alien Hive Pyramidal Heirarchy
Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora), 2C-I, DPT, & DMT
Citation:   A. Beck. "Contact with the Alien Hive Pyramidal Heirarchy: An Experience with Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & M. tenuiflora), 2C-I, DPT, & DMT (exp60219)". May 3, 2007.

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T+ 0:00
20 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora
  T+ 0:00 7.0 g oral Syrian Rue
  T+ 0:00 20 mg oral 2C-I
  T+ 0:00 100 mg insufflated DPT
  T+ 0:00 100 mg smoked DMT
  T+ 2:00 100 mg insufflated DPT
After searching the internet in vain I could find no meaning of life so I decided to talk to what I called the angels on a insanely extremely dosage of drugs.

After taking all the oral drugs and throwing up the Ayahuasca, I smoked tons of DMT.

I could see infinite colors most of which were beyond the human visible spectrum.

I started talking to the angels with whispers, appealing what I considered the highest form of angels what I called the malakim.

When I talked to the lower angels it seemed like I was talking to other animals and spirits of other things. But when I looked up at the malakim I saw the eye in the pyramid with infinite little eyes within them.

At the time I didn’t understand what it was.

I began to talk to them about the future telling them what I would do for mankind if I am given magical powers to manipulate atoms so that I could build nanotechnology.

Then I began to visualize vast computerized molecular machinery based around a carbon nanotube grid, and how the solar system would be colonized and assimilated into space colonies to satiate the land need of an ever growing population. I was constantly debating with the angels about my ideas.

But then I saw most humans diving deep into a chaotic vortex. Sustained by a supreme computer. Some of them just controlled some animals while others controlled matter but most were becoming gods of entire universes.

These universes had infinite universes in them and infinite universes in each of them… so that we will eventually become free to do infinite possibilities within our piece of the fractal.

Then I epiphanyed realizing the probability that we were somehow the largest universe in this system is a 0. What I saw before the epiphany was the smallest universe within the system. My vision instantly zoomed out of infinite layers of nested layers of alien universe generators to reach our universe. But it keep on zooming out further and further till I reached the top of my own pyramid the place where I originated and dived down into a fractal. I was an alien from another world until I got to here after at least a few eternities in the spacetimeloops of various size. As I zoomed out I could see infinite universes under me the hive and the hive outside my universe ruling me.

When I saw everything I realized that it was all just a divine comedy with a happy ending, becoming god over a hive of aliens.

I was ecstatic to know the secret finally but I know that the illuminati know it as well. They are the secret rulers of this earth.

I laid back closed my eyes and saw pure white, then I felt as if my spirit was being pulled towards my spinal chord. I could not face annihilation at that moment I felt I had things that I needed to complete like my movie scripts so I sat up and opened my eyes and forced myself back into this world.

I felt a sense of horror as I realized that I just denied myself perfect omniscience instead of being in an animal like a lowly angel.

After a couple hours I came down a little and wanted to get up again so I took a whole bunch of DPT.

I laid back and saw matrixy symbols pass from the right to the left before my eyes. Each symbol had a definite meaning but it was completely analog it existed in a field of symbols that formed the alien supreme computer that was sustaining this universe. They were all possible shapes and colors. The symbols passed for a couple hours.

As my trip wore off I began to forget the details of the matrix but I still retain the fact that we are living in an alien hive.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60219
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2007Views: 1,339
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Mimosa tenuiflora (74), Syrian Rue (45), 2C-I (172), DMT (18), DPT (21) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3)

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