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My Muscles Turned To Butter
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Rincewind. "My Muscles Turned To Butter: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp60360)". Apr 15, 2007.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
In the few years I've been exploring psychoactives, I've had a number of disparate chemical experiences. I usually do not write experience reports unless I think it was an extremely special experience for one reason or another. This is one of those, possibly my second strongest mushroom trip ever.

I am a daily marijuana and tobacco smoker, and I also drink with some regularity, although not nearly as much as many of my fellow college students. Prior to this, I had been tripping once every week or two on 2C-I for about two months. Although I have lots of previous mushroom experience, I had not taken any for quite some time, except for one small dose which I'll write about below.

A while before (a month or so? I don't know for certain) a friend of mine, who I had introduced to acid, asked me to get some shrooms for him. I obliged, picking up approximately 7.1g for him, myself, and possibly one or two other friends. For some reason, he asked me to hang on to them. I thought it odd, but did it anyways, tossing the bag on my glove box and forgetting about it. After being impossible to get ahold of, by friend called me up and told me he didn't want them, wanted to trade for weed instead, which set off a whole other load of bullshit that I won't get into here, but basically resulted in him not being welcome around our group of friends anymore.

About a week prior to the mushroom trip, I had taken my usual 20mg of 2C-I and went tripping. At the tail end, I drank a couple of beers, and decided to pull out the shrooms. I grabbed two caps, estimated to be about a gram each, and ate them. After that I drank another couple beers. By coincidence, the university library was set on fire that night, so I went to watch the fire trucks and billowing smoke with a couple buddies. While there, I noticed a huge body load. Now, body loads on mushrooms for me are quite common. I will constantly have one of my knees give out from under me if I'm standing still, and I'll be unable to keep my balance while walking, and list slightly from side to side, almost like I'm drunk. But this was different. By the time I made it back to my dorm room, I almost couldn't move. I landed on my bed and fell asleep immediately. I chalked the physical weakness up to an odd combination of substances.

So the next week (week before finals) I was bored. Everyone else was studying, but because I started at spring semester, I had a bunch of easy classes that didn't require much if any studying. Might as well shroom, I thought. Borrowing a friends scale, I measured to see how much I had left. With bag, it was 4.7g, which means I had about 3.5g of shroomage. Since I had also given a cap to my tripping partner the last week, I was left with mostly stems, some dust, and one tiny pinner shroom where the cap was still wrapped around the stem. I got some OJ, and started munching.

Kinda. The smell was so bad that I couldn't bear the thought of tasting them, which is slightly unusual for me. I usually have no problems with either the smell or taste, but these smelled so much, it was unbearable. So I broke all the stems up into bite size pieces, then repeatedly filled my mouth with OJ, dropped in a piece or two, then worried them with my tongue until the fell apart enough to swallow. The first time I tried this, I almost choked on the stem section, but after that it was smooth sailing. After about half the bag, something told me to stop, so I did. I decided to eat the rest when I started feeling something. This was between about 6:30 and 6:40.

At about 7:30, I smoked a bowl and decided that what I was feeling was indeed the shrooms, and not a placebo. I proceeded to eat the rest of the bag in the same fashion as above. I put on some South Park, the episode where the kids drink cough syrup and trip out. I have never been so effected by the sounds and visuals presented during the tripping segment before. Either those guys have some experience with DXM, or they did damn good research. Between 7:30 and 8:15, I felt my brain getting increasingly static filled and confusing, and at the same time, I felt physically weaker and weaker.

I looked up at a lithograph my mom had done in college. Already an extremely psychedelic print, it was twisting and waving like mad. I had partially convinced myself this was going to be a light trip, even when I was feeling the effects so strongly, because the bag was mostly stems. I couldn't deny that this was going to be a mega trip any more.I decided to try and lie down. With a great deal of effort, I switched off the ceiling light, leaving only my computer screen and desk lamp on, and crawled onto my bed.

In my memory, the change was sudden, but I don't know for certain if it was. I do know that the realization was sudden, things seemed clear. Simple. Fresh. Clean. My bed was made for the first time since I moved into the dorms, on a whim, and I was lying on top of the quilt with a fleece blanket covering my legs, and I felt wonderful. I am normally a tense person, muscle wise. I don't relax very well. On top of that, I have a high natural tolerance for opiates and muscle relaxers, so I have to constantly stretch and try to stay loose. But on these shrooms, I was totally relaxed, like my muscles had turned to butter. It took unbelievable effort to move any part of my body.

I lay there, listening to South Park in the background, and watching the ceiling bulge and ripple, almost as if it were made of rubber and a whole bunch of dog or cat sized animals were walking on top of it, except it was much smoother. Very liquid seeming. Light geometric patterns, arcs and lines with equallly spaced hashes across them. In my mind they were measuring tics, although I don't know what they were measuring. The tics would fly across my vision (think of the tie and the refreshments at the picnic in the beginning of A Beautiful Mind). CEV's, not something I normally get, were made of complex spinning fractals. And I felt peace.

Very little emotion, just calm serenity. Contenedness. I have often though that the state of being content was much better than being happy. Happiness is temporary and relative, and is always followed by sadness or anger or despair of some form. Being content, on the other hand, does not set you up for a fall, because it does not aspire to great heights. My belief was fully reinforced by my trip.

I lay in bed till about 10:45 at which point I felt strong enough to go to the bathroom and then sit back in my chair and watch more South Park. I realized the my skin felt funny, puffy and spongy, like those animals that I and maybe you got as kids, where you would put them in water, and they would grow to many times their original size. In the process, the material they were made out of would get slimy and soft, and had a very odd and unique texture. The fact that my skin now held this texture delighted me completely. I started licking and biting my skin to see how it felt. Which was weird. It's impossible for me to fully describe how it felt, but it was somewhat akin to a mild electrical shock. I smoked some more weed, and lay down again. The rest of the night was spent alternating between hits of weed, swallows of juice, these delicious cookies I bought, and the bathroom. I fell asleep around midnight and woke up the next day feeling fine.

Conclusion: Wow. I had forgotten how strong mushrooms could be. I've never had mushrooms like those before though. Usually I will either be chilled out, like I'm super stoned, or hyper and weird, and often I'll switch between these states in the course of one trip. But this is the first time I felt like that, so completely serene and peaceful. If I can find more of these, I'm buying a half ounce.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60360
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 15, 2007Views: 6,667
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Mushrooms (39) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4)

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