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Extreme Happiness, Unpleasant Confusion
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Fluffy. "Extreme Happiness, Unpleasant Confusion: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp60700)". Oct 7, 2018.

1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
One summer evening, my boyfriend and I ingested some remarkable mushrooms. We were camping around several people, some that we knew, and some that we didn't. This was neither one of our first times, so we knew what to expect. This experience turned out to be both my most fun, best mushroom trip and one of the least fun.

Throughout the whole trip, neither my boyfriend or I experience anything even close to nausea. After eating the mushrooms, both caps and stems, we waited. The effects hit us at the exact same time--about 40 minutes after eating.

At first, we were just plain silly and giggly. The tent we were in, although big, all of the sudden seemed like a humongous palace. Other visual halucinations centered around distance perception. Additionally, everything became much harder to accomplish, although in a very pleasant and hilarious way. Part of it was due to clumsiness, another part to forgetfulness, and another part is unaccounted for. (For example, my boyfriend announced to me that he had to pee, but was a good 45 minutes before we actually made it out of the tent to do so, however, wonderful 'problems' kept happening.)

The only thing I really remember distinctly was a feeling of euphoria. Nothing seemed to matter to me except that the world was a peaceful, happy place. Despite my usual aversions to dirt and leaves tracked into the tent, for some reason I had no problem rubbing my face and head in it. It definitely wasn't purposeful, but I didn't even notice that this was the situation until I had been doing it for some time, and when I realized that this was the case, I did not feel compelled to move. It was just pure happiness and bliss. Even now, when I think about that night, I smile and my mood is improved. It was just such a positive experience.
Even now, when I think about that night, I smile and my mood is improved. It was just such a positive experience.

This feeling continued for some time. I was wide awake and enjoying the experience, but my boyfriend had slipped into a shallow sleep. Unaware of this, I started talking to him. Bad idea--he wasn't having pleasant dreams at all. Somehow, me talking to him while in that state caused him to become irritated. He tells me now that he didn't hear anything I was saying but was instead positive that I was criticizing him (I wasn't, much the opposite, in fact) while he was in the middle of a nightmare. As I tried to reassure him, he became increasingly annoyed and started to get mad, triggering confusion on my part. From there it escalated until we were both pretty upset. We were able to get it under control, but it wasn't very much fun at all.

Neither one of us has any idea about what caused his bad dreams and reaction. Before falling asleep, he had been extremely happy. I know from both prior experiences and talking about mushroom trips with my friends that falling asleep while on mushrooms can prove to be a very difficult task for some. My boyfriend was tired and possibly fatigued when we had done the mushrooms, however, and perhaps this had something to do with it.

In summary, the trip was absolutely amazing until falling asleep (for my boyfriend) and confusion because of an altercation (for me).

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 60700
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2018Views: 844
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Difficult Experiences (5), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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