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Pleasant, Shocking, Overwhelming
Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens
Citation:   Highseekermic. "Pleasant, Shocking, Overwhelming: An Experience with Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens (exp60887)". Oct 25, 2007.

10 g oral Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens (fresh)
This was my first experience with a psychedelic drug, and I choose magic mushrooms because they were reported to be more pleasant and of shorter duration than an LSD trip, and were also freely available.

One summer day back in 2005 I was out in London with my girlfriend at the time and her friend down camden town. This was at a time when Magic mushrooms were totally legal. In camden the hippie district of london I was amazed that more than a dozen people had set up mini stalls openly selling many different strains of mushroom. Come to think of it they were not just selling mushrooms they had everything from fly agaric, san pedro all the way to salvia. Curiosity got the better of me and 2 weeks later I decided to pay a visit to one of these stalls and pick up some mushrooms. I decided as I did not have any past experience with psychedelics I would start with the relatively weak 'Mexican' strain. It came in a tiny transparent plastic case and sold for £10 per 10 gram. When I got home I decided I would dry them out to preserve them for when I was ready to trip. I placed them on a ceramic dish and turned the oven heat to 200degrees for faster drying. I removed them nicely dried from the oven, and saved them for when I was ready to trip which happened to be latter that night.

When it came to 11:00pm I opened my box of partially dried mushrooms which later had became moist and decided to ooze blue liquid. They didn't taste bad at all just like regular mushrooms actually. Waited...waited.... and nothing, 45 minutes passed and no clue to any trip about to begin. That night passed without success so I decided I would go back the following week and purchase the more stronger 'Thai' species. I took these home and followed the same procedure I had done with the Mexicans. Still 45 minutes passed and I went to bed dissatisfied. I was totally gutted that I failed on 2 accounts to trip.

I decided now I would ask an expert what they thought about my high tolerance to mushrooms, and she suggested that it may be because I needed to have a completely empty stomach in order to feel the full force of the trip, and that everyone has a unique chemistry.

'Alright then' I thought. I'm obviously a hardhead when it came to mushrooms so I decided to purchase the 'Hawaiian' which happened to be the strongest mushroom available. I thought this has gotta do it for me. This time I didn't bother to attempt to heat them coz I figured this had been destroying the psilocybin and preventing me from getting a trip.

I read of the importance of 'set&setting' in governing the possible likelihood of a good trip, so I cleaned my room as best I could and had a relaxing bath to relax my mind. At around 12:00am I decided this was the time to begin ingesting my Hawaiians. They were really small and thin compared to the huge mushrooms I had previously encountered at the stalls. They also tasted quite bad as mushrooms go they had a dry texture, the taste of which can only be compared to dirty socks soaked in muddy water. I got through the mushrooms fairly easily however I till had the earthy taste in my mouth. I went to the bathroom to wash out my mouth and saw that the backwash had a blue colour to it. I figured that these were the real deal since psilocybin containing mushroom stain blue when damaged.

Tripping time

30 mins after ingesting the mushrooms I just layed on my bed waiting for the come up. Out of nowhere I felt my self rise up suddenly then return to my original position. I thought 'What just happened? Did I imagine that?' Then the same feeling hit me again this time it was stronger than the last sensation, this is when I thought things are really kicking of now there was no going back. I decided to go with the flow of things and try not to panic if things got too intense. The next clue that my trip was starting was when I looked at a dark patch of my room with some wiring. A shadowy hand stretched out and this made me jump. The visual part of my trip was now starting.

In the darkness of my bedroom static began to form in my visual field, I decided to close my eyes to see if I would get any CEV's and as I did I saw a really faint but definite mosaic of what appeared to look like bacteria. This faint image then formed into a still faint image of clusters of diamonds which shimmered a rainbow of colours. I decided the best thing would be to keep my eyes closed for the duration of the experience and enjoy it. The images began to grow stronger and soon I got lost in these. At first they were colourful 2-dimensional images which I'd describe as pictures which compromised red geometric shapes which morphed into figures which had an Mayan theme to them. Later the closed eye visuals became more and more 3-D as time passed. At first there was an myriad of highly decorated brown rug or curtain like images. An hour and 30 mins into the experience I soared toward the peak where my CEV'S became fully formed images of temples, palaces and other ancient landscapes.

I now felt as though my spirit had completely left my physical body and I was now drifting through ancient rooms decorated beutifully in fine rugs, and vividly coloured ceilings. There were people seated in these rooms who seemed to be partaking in some type of meeting. As I floated across theses rooms I smelt a powerful scent of incense. It smelt so wonderful I felt as though this couldn't possibly be a hallucination.
The people in my visions looked quite cartoony now dat I think of it but they still looked really human. I'm of African descent and this people were African in appearance, tall,wearing long colourful robes and head ties. I was now watching a scene of three tribeswoman enter the doorway of an old temple carrying some type of large flat object. I now saw an image of a tall grey eyed tribeswoman who seemed to be luring my astral form further into the visions as she drew her hand and guided me further into the journey. This woman to me was like some sort of spirit guide as unlike the other people I had seen she appeared to be aware of my prescence. She was dressed elegantly in a purple robe wearing a headress, and it occured to me that she must of been a royal member such as a queen.

3 hours had now passed since I ingested the mushrooms and I was now coming down. The visuals were now growing weaker and were less consistent compared to the peak. At this point I opened my eyes and had a look around my room and reality began to return to me. on first opening my eyes I thought I was lying in an ancient palace and the windows had a distinct eastern look to them. I also perceived a faint image of an open courtyard leading out to some ancient gardens which had a deep red hue to them.

I decided to lay back down and close my eyes to absorb the final part of my journey. At this point the visuals now more resembled dreams. My imagination was still vividly exaggerated to the point that I was having visions of me performing a song on a swanky looking stage complete with neon lights and ladies. 3.5 hours later the visuals had ceased but I still had that stoned feeling you get when the experience is just beginning. This gave me a chance to reflect back to what I had just experienced as I couldn't yet settle down to sleep.

In conclusion, most of the trip was enjoyable even the peak were I thought I was really starting to loose my mind, and couldn't concentrate due to the loud tribal drums being played so loudly in my head. Now that I'm writing this report magic mushrooms are totally illegal in england as a class A drug, so I doubt I will ever be using this again as much as one more trip would have been highly enjoyable. I will just have to experiment with other psychedelics such as salvia or find an appropriate alternative.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 60887
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 25, 2007Views: 5,703
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Mushrooms - Panaeolus cyanescens (185) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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