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We Went Crazy
by Sai
Citation:   Sai. "We Went Crazy: An Experience with Datura (exp63197)". Jun 6, 2007.

  oral Datura (seeds)
It happened about 1.5 years ago. I was chilling with my friend in his house. We both took one ecstasy, smoked some cannabis, drank beer and listened to music, while my other friend called and told that they were heading to steal some devils apples from a yard near. So we joined them and got about 10-15 seedpods for 6 persons. By the time we started eating the seeds our other drugs had wore off, so I don’t think they had much effect.

I ate 1-1.5 seedpods. Other almost same amount some a little more, some little less. We sit in park for half of hour and felt no difference, but when we got up we had major balance disorders(like when we are extremely drunk). Then we went to my friend’s house to watch some show on TV for a while. When we made it there our throats were dry as deserts.

While watching TV one of my friend had fallen asleep and other one (the one, in whose house we were) just wandered around and didn't seem to be aware of the reality. He even walked to his parents room speaking nonsense words. About that time I started to notice a web coming down from the ceiling and my clothes were covered with a liquid like layer that had thin wormlike lines twisting in it. So we thought it would be best to leave, I woke up my friend who got up, but wasn't able to communicate. I took his hand and lead him downstairs, where he in front of my friend’s mother tried to leave the house by window. I took my shoes and ran out.

I waited for my friends and they all came outside( after the trip I heard that 2 of them stayed in my friends house and later my friends mom called them ambulance and they were taken to ER, where they were released into the city couple of hours later. One of them found a way home, but other tripped around in city for 24 hours, when he got home he had no shoes or anything in his pockets). I remember clearly I talked to them and asked what my friend’s mom had said. They told me it was nothing, everything is ok. We decided to go to my other friends house. I remember getting in to the house and then is black out.

I woke up in my friend’s house on a floor and thought I had spent the night there, sleeping and dreaming the craziest dreams. I couldn’t find my jacket everywhere, but I didn’t care and I decided to go home. On my way home on a bus I discovered myself many times speaking to inanimate objects and plain air. Luckily when I made it home my parents were just leaving, but my mother said my face had been horrible. As soon as they had left, I became very paranoid, because there were personalities better than me laughing and humiliating over me in inanimate objects everywhere. I even heard how a couple of them were conspiring against me in my restroom, when I opened the door there were 2 white persons. One of them jumped into a bottle of bleach and before he entered the bottle he took the cap from ground, threw it in air so the cap closed itself after he was in the bottle. Other one took a washingmachine from behind him and placed it front of him so I couldn’t see him no more.

I couldn’t take it longer so I left the house. Had a blur vision for the day and couple of encounters of communicating with objects.

Later I found out that my dreams had been the reality for me, here’s as much as I can remember now:

I watched how my friend (was in all other area) had a bubbly machine attached to his face, the machine was very complicatedly built and was moving and reconstructing all over his face. That time I knew that the machine was a hallucination, but I didn't realize that the whole situation didn't exist.

I went to a lot of different parties, where all my friends were at and I smoked all night though I didn't have any cigarettes, but always there was some friend to give me one. Every time I had a craving for something I could find it from my pocket. Also I had many things in my hands like cellphones, lighters, pipes etc, but I always lost them into my hand or dropped them. I believed I was a magician who could melt things into my hand. I even got a certain idea to go to ER in the morning and take an x-ray picture of my hand with all those things inside it. I asked my friends who weren’t there if things really go into my hand or I’m just hallucinating, they told the things were still in my hand. I didn’t wanted to believe them.

I also remember crashing into rocks (we have big rocks in entrances of park to stop cars) with high speed so I flew over the rock and wondered, how can I be so magical, that even rocks somehow jump on my way. I must’ve been running around.

I was with 3 guys I didn't know and the were complaining how tough they're life is. So I got bored and wasn’t interested in their lives at all. Something else got into my mind and I watched away and as soon as I looked again to the guys, they were made out of wood. So I thought this was some sort of game, where I had to look away and the guys would transform when I look back at the, So I looked away couple of times each time wooden guys growing, finally I realized I was talking to trees. When I watched up I see trees with faces on them and each branch (yellow, green, orange colored) were like tree’s hair. They were laughing and it freaked me out.

I was in my room watching a movie from my computer and tried to get some sleep, all my room went in circles, finally I managed to fall asleep. I had a dream where I was in a sea of mercury, the tops of waves were electric blue ( haven't seen so good graphic effect on any computer nor any movie), I knew that it was the end of world. There was complete emptiness above sea. There was nothing left in the world accept some skyscraper roofs that were out of mercury. I woke up because the movie was too loud. I wanted to get back to sleep as fast as possible to see what's happening in this really neat dream. At first it seems impossible to fall back asleep, then some how I manage to do it and I'm back in the dream trying to stand up but I kept on hitting the rocks with my feet so I fell down into the sea many times and each time there were shitload of things fell out from inside my jacket. So I tried to pick everything up before I lost them, but falling on and on. Couple of times I woke up from the this dream just to fall asleep again. So when I was dreaming I was really in reality and when I was in my room I was really wandering around in sea. I heard it from a friends father who had seen me going to work at morning. Finally I decided I’m loosing to many things in the sea and threw away my jacket (it was 350$ Peak performance windstopper).

At one moment I was in someone’s car. At once, the car was filled with lightsword moving around near my face. I was death-scared. I think I haven’t been ever so scared of anything. It all didn’t last too long and the sword blurred away into 3 lights on the car stereo. I’ve seen on C.S.I.

Something about my other friends trips.

Friend#1 (ate 2-2.5 seedpods)#1 Got thrown out from my friends place by friends father because he was rubbing his face against windows and talked something about perfect glass and great spiders. At that time I finally got home (it was about 12pm) someone called the cops and he was put in jail, he was there for 22 hours and hallucinated real hard and thought he was in Finland all the time.

Friend#2 (ate about same amount as I) tripped outside all night. Was seen buy his uncle at morning climbing over someone-s fence without clothes. He somehow got home his parents saw him coming home without clothes only underpants and t-shirt. He had fallen many times with his face against the ground so his face was covered with blood. He went straight to kitchen took a bottle of milk and searched for cup. He found a toothpick, put it on table and poured milk all over the table. And all family was there to see. Parents freaked out and when they asked what's wrong, he just took a mug and tried to go to toilet while saying that he has a great mission to accomplish and ran against the bathroom doorjamb countless of times.

Friend#3 (the one whose house we finally staid, eated 0.5 seedpods) stayed home all night went to his brother’s room, sat on his chair played computer ( that didn't work) and talked some CRAZY SHIT all night and wanted 3 times to go to school at morning, although it was weekend.

Friend#4 (ate as much as I) had some crazy hallucinations in the ER about some aliens and our friends trying to do some experiments on them (both of my friends who were token to ER was locked into straitjacket). After released from ER with my other friend, went to a bus (other friend went off in second stop) and somehow managed to get home where he made some pretty stupid things.

Friend#5 got off from the bus got into other bus and went to a totally different neighborhood, told also he was in some party with some skinheads. Then he found his home (really a souvenir shop) got in, took his shoes off, went to kitchen and saw that there was a marzipan (really porcelain) dragon left for him on the table so he tried to eat it. Then shopkeeper and manager threw him out and threatened to call the cops. He tripped all day and his mother was really worried because the hospital told that he was released many hours ago. When he made it home and his mother asked where has he been, he simply told that he was in school and got some really good marks and believed it totally.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 63197
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 6, 2007Views: 16,479
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