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A Mix of Both Fruits
Mushrooms & LSD
by Raff
Citation:   Raff. "A Mix of Both Fruits: An Experience with Mushrooms & LSD (exp65155)". Dec 3, 2018.

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 0:10 1 tablet oral LSD  
Experienced Tripper Combines Trips

Before this experience, I had had 6 experiences on Psilocybin mushrooms, 3 on acid, 4 on DXM, 2 on Salvia, and 1 on LSA,

I enjoyed them all.

I wanted to experiment with mixing, to see if one would over power this other, or if one could actually experience a mixture of both.

So one day at my friends apartment, with a few friends I trusted, I ate an 1/8th of Psilocybin mushrooms. Then after thinking about whether or not it would be a good idea, I took a hit of acid 10 minutes after eating the 1/8. My friends thought I was crazy and adventurous.

The experience: It was a very mixture of both. My mindset became locked more into thinking than ever before. I could not stop thinking and analyzing every aspect art and science. I constantly tried to put a system into place for everything. We watched a few movies, and I would attempt to analyze every line and action each character made, and what they were thinking that caused their emotions and actions.

I would often time comment to my friends I was with that I could not stop thinking! I thought of problems in my life, and of the excitement. I could feel every inch of my body as I breathed in air and smoke.

The visuals were very nice also, as I truly did get a mix of both fruits. The 'walls breathing and patterns emerging' from acid, and the 'patterns moving and creating shapes' from shrooms were both mixed into the visuals I experienced. As many trippers know, the pop corn ceiling is amazing to stare at while tripping, but this was very special as it was as if the ceiling was a canvas, and I was able to finger paint with it, as I pointed at it, parts of the ceiling followed my fingers, it was quite entertaining.

But this combination was amazing not because of the visuals, but because of the mind set and the places my mind traveled. This was definitely an intense trip.

Thanks for reading.

PS- movies we watched were Half Baked, and The Fountain. The Fountain is a very beautiful movie, and extremely intense to watch while tripping.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65155
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 3, 2018Views: 2,827
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Mushrooms (39), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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