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Traffic Jam of Thoughts
Citation:   Influenced. "Traffic Jam of Thoughts: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp65921)". Jul 29, 2017.

1.75 g   Mushrooms
I'm going to start by telling you that this was the first time ever doing mushrooms but not my first experience with psychedelics. I have previously done LSD, but I don't think i was ready for it. I knew that mushrooms were less intense than LSD so I thought I would give them a try.

I acquired them earlier on that day from one of my best friends. It was a Friday and I had nothing else to do so I decided to take 1.75 grams at 5:00 PM. Not knowing what I was in for I wanted to go to my friends house and chill their for a while, so I grabbed my cigs and started walking to my friends house. It takes about 45 minutes to get their from my house so I was hoping they would be kicking in around the time of arrival.

The walk their was long and boring, I was too excited for the mushrooms to kick in that it was all I could think about. I've been told to forget that I even took the drug and just act normal but it was my first time with them and I was anticipating it way too much.

T +45min: I arrived at my friends house and started to feel some of the first effects. I hadn't eaten much that day so I knew my stomach was empty. My friend R asked me what I was feeling. I told him about the amazing feeling inside my body I felt. I sat down on his porch and the wood grains in the porch were waving back and forth like water. Colors were alot more defined, and some of the colors I saw were not were they were supposed to be. The porch is grey and I kept seeing yellow balls roll across the porch like marbles. It had begun I thought to myself.

T +1hr 30min: R and me went to my other friend K's house. I don't really like K because of problems in the past. But R insisted we go to his house. K came and picked us up and we went into his basement. This was my first major mistake, not making my own choice on the matter. I didn't want to hang out with K but I had nothing else to do. I regret ever stepping foot in his house for when I did I got the most uncomfortable feeling I have ever felt before. His walls were breathing which as pretty neat but I felt like I couldn't hold a conversation with K. I should never have done something I didn't want to do while on Mushrooms, it ruined everything. I would get lost in my thoughts and start to stare into space. I needed a cigarette bad, and I tried thinking of that and kind of pushed my negative thoughts away. R was ready to leave as was I, but K was coming with. I wish I would have gone with my instincts and got out of their alone. But I felt like I somehow couldn't.

T +2hr 30min: R, K, and me had been driving around for a while, and my trip was the only thing I felt like a had going for me. The sun was starting to set and it felt amazing as I watched it sink into the distance. It almost felt like the sun was the only thing keeping me going. For once it set, all hell broke lose in my head. Deep thoughts about my life and my current situation overwhelmed my mind. I couldn't take it, I just wanted it to end. And for someone who was tripping on shrooms, in an uncomfortable situation, and couldn't speak 3 words without sounding like a retard, it felt impossible to ever be happy. I finally grew some balls and asked K to take me home.

T +3hr 30min: The second I arrived home I felt better. I went to my room and began to actually enjoy the coming down of my trip. Happy to be away from those bad vibes, I began to draw pictures. The detail in my pictures felt infinite and they were moving on my paper by themselves.

Today (the morning after the trip) I look at these pictures and realized I draw better on shrooms than I do sober. I didn't even know I had a talent like that in me. It took mushrooms and a bad trip to realize it. I will definitely take mushrooms again but not let myself lose control of my situation.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65921
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 29, 2017Views: 1,151
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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