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World Filled With Entities
Citation:   RandomAuthor. "World Filled With Entities: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp66696)". Nov 30, 2022.

T+ 0:00
5 g oral Mushrooms (tea)
  T+ 0:00 Repeated joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 6:00 5 g oral Mushrooms (tea)
I'm a 22 year old male who recently encountered a friend who had shrooms but could not take it himself due to his body chemistry. So he offered me 5g of shrooms try out, and long story short? I enjoyed myself and bought the rest of what my friend had.

This was my first experience trying anything harder then LSA or DXM, I've long wanted to try LSD but it's not specifically easy for me to find, I figured Acid/Shrooms can't be too different and I've read up a lot on acid. So I go ahead and take it.

6pm: Dose Tea made from 5g of Mushrooms.

My friend Jim and I go head outside onto the porch to hang out, he warns me of some possible nausea. So he begins to roll some of the weed I had brought in for us to share so we can smoke. We end up smoking some with Jim's dad and friend too. So we are all sitting around and talking and when Jim is done rolling we smoke.

I'm passing, waiting my turn like a good smoker when I see some red laser pointer flash in my vision and into my eyes. I kinda shake my head to try to get it off, oddly enough it did. I figured Jim had used his laser pointer cat toy on me, but oddly enough he didn't seem to hold it. So I got my first sign of my oncoming trip.

I can't really relate time to this, so I'm sorry. I didn't much look at a clock and due to time dilation could not make a near accurate guess. However, I would guess this is 6:30.

I suddenly want to just be alone for a bit and lie down, so without a word I get up and go lay down onto a couch in Jim's computer room and wrap myself up in a blanket and stare toward his computer. The longer I look at something to investigate the more fascinating it becomes. First way I noticed this was I was looking at Jim's chair and suddenly it began to warm and turn and change. So I keep my eyes on it, just deeply interested. Eventually it grows teeth around the seat and some eyes on the backrest and looks much like that blue talking chair from pee wee's Playhouse. I then continued looking around the room, only to spot that bloody red lazer pointer again. I don't remember much of what else happens in the room, but I eventually close my eyes to see what happens when it's only in my mind.

This when the trip really became amazing. It was my little dream world, things changed, things didn't change. All the while I could swear there was something there with me. I saw the most random stuff. A steamroller rolling over life size gingerbread men to bring them to life, there was far too much else to remember.

I fell deep into this dream world, remembering I had a physical body only when I pulled the blanket closer, felt a dribble of drool on my lip when I left it open, or when Jim came by to prod/poke me curious to what I'm seeing. At some points when I was deep into this dreamworld I lost all connection to my body, I forgot I had a body in some points actually. When I was reminded I had even contemplated smothering myself in the blanket to not be burdened with the body. However, I didn't because I knew sober me would have been upset.

My dream world was filled with entities, people to talk to, things to gawk at, there was also Jim. Which confused me, he was in my dream world very much like his normal self.
My dream world was filled with entities, people to talk to, things to gawk at, there was also Jim. Which confused me, he was in my dream world very much like his normal self.
Later I was informed he was actually there sitting and talking to me. However, to me, for a time he and I were in my dreamworld. I thought of him as just one of the many entities stuck inside my head. He was curious, he wanted to know what was going on. I explained the best I could, but my attention was often drawn to random other things.

Eventually talking to Jim pulled me back into the normal world, well, out of my dream world I was still on shrooms. My ego split into separate base parts, like a form of schizophrenia. I'm normally a very insecure person, but that night. I felt good, I didn't give a care in the world. I felt almost like some generic cool guy on some television sitcom. I hung out with Jim's dad and all three of us shared a joint and chatted. I was really talkative, and for me that is very odd. I'm a generally quiet person. But here I am talking baseball and keeping up with it too somehow like some baseball fanatic.

Jim and I stepped outside later and went outside, it was now pitch black. Jim sat in a couple smoking chairs outside in the middle of his dad's yard. I followed the path to Jim, noticing that the very dark yard was now a cartoony graveyard. So I go and sit down with him and we smoke some more. Next thing I know Jim's new little dog is barking and antagonizing the neighbor's dogs. So we investigate, and I look into a window and stop for a moment. I'm looking into Jim's computer room which has now become almost a intimate place where my dreamworld lived. I had spent many (what seemed like) hours looking out the window, and now I'm looking in. It was a odd experience for me to say the least.

Eventually I opt to try to use the same shrooms I made the tea out of, to try to make some more tea and also drink the mushrooms with the tea. I added some koolaid stuff and sugar to it and it wasn't that bad. The texture was unpleasant though. At this point I look at the clock for the first time, it's midnight. That didn't seem like 6 hours.

Jim decides to drive me over to his mom's to finish the trip. We were more experimenting to see if we could boost a trip halfway through and if the rest of the material was worth using. I would say yes, because 30 mins or so after I drank the tea, I could see a roller coaster making itself as we drove along the roads. It was very beautiful. The rest of the trip was mostly uneventfully, sometimes got bored and stared at the floor/anything else. Watched things warp/move/spin anything my mind could come up with until my body and mind died out more or less. I was exhausted. Lied down, and eventually fell asleep.

The next day I was still exhausted, and was like that until later in the day.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66696
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Nov 30, 2022Views: 431
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Guides / Sitters (39), Entities / Beings (37), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), General (1)

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