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So Unexpected...
Citation:   Aaron51. "So Unexpected...: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp68225)". Apr 17, 2018.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
My first trip on mushrooms was really intense and hard to comprehend but I’m going to try and remember as many facts as I can.

I had always wanted to hallucinate off drugs and I thought it would be tight to eat some shrooms. It was so much more than I would have ever expected. I went to my sisters house and met up with my good friend Brendin. Brendin is older than me and I wanted him to be my trip-sitter because he was well experienced with drugs. So I got a cup of soda, sat on the couch, and washed down 1/8 of shrooms. About 30 minutes later I started to feel really anxious. I went inside and layed down on the couch. I felt like I couldn’t move or think. My thoughts were going so fast. There were a few other people there and the T.V. was on. The sounds from the t.v. and the people were mixing together and I could swear my cell phone just kept ringing and ringing. Then I heard something about paramedics when I was trippin’ on the couch with my eyes closed. This set me off, I thought I had poisoned myself and died. But I wasn’t afraid, I thought I was floating to heaven and I felt just so comforted like nothing mattered anymore. Then someone nudged me and I came to and realized I was alive. I couldn’t believe it! I for sure thought that I was going to heaven. Then I stood up and stumbled back to a room and layed down. When I closed my eyes I felt like I was going through a journey in my head. It’s like I could see things but not really. The only thing I remember seeing when my eyes were closed was a pair of black dice spinning with red lines. The last thing I remember that I kept doing was thinking of the phrase “you should” over and over in my head.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68225
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 17, 2018Views: 787
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