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My Own Bubble of Appreciation
Citation:   LtCmdrGordon. "My Own Bubble of Appreciation: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp68523)". Nov 22, 2017.

1.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    oral Vitamin C (liquid)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
So first I will start with a backgrounder on how I came to be taking these for my first time. While out one night drinking, my friend and I went to visit another friend. While we were there he asked “Hey, do you want 1.5g of shrooms?” Me in my impaired state said “Sure!” I threw him a 10 and we were on our way.

The next morning I woke up and found the tinfoil covered package, and remembered what it was and hid it in my room. Being cautious, I consulted one reputable website in particular because it was coming up a lot on my Google searches. (and have been using it ever since) I read all about how Vitamin C in the stomach gave you a stronger yet shorter trip, I thought ‘what the hell’ so I went and bought a 750ml Sunny D bottle, which I hadn’t had since I was 10. Also, that it takes about an hour to hit you, or in my case 1 hour, 10 minutes, exactly. Also the same amount of time that it takes Dextromethorphan to hit me in.

Armed with 600% daily intake of Vitamin C and 1.5g of Mushrooms, I told my friends and we set a date. A date that we would all be around, a day with no school, and nice hot weather. We chose Day in the Parking Lot; an annual event that my school has near the end of school in June. There would be clowns, blow up slides, dunk tank, live local bands, ice cream, Guitar Hero II, friends, school mates, and sun…and Marijuana, as we all smoke pretty regularly.

The day arrived pretty quickly and I showered, got dressed, grabbed my one way shades and black shoulder army medic bag with all my special contents and paraphernalia. After a 20 minute walk, I arrived at school and stopped, got seated in the forest right beside and started chugging the Sunny D. Then, I unwrapped the mushrooms put them all in my mouth and started chewing. Then almost gagging, they were so dry, crunchy and now in small pieces, it was an odd sensation. I drank more Sunny D and swished it around in my mouth making sure to get all the bits from between my inner cheek and gums/teeth. Then I walked inside, with a feeling of happiness and anticipation. I can compare it to having an Alien egg inside of you, you know it is in there, it’s not coming out and it’s only a matter of time before ‘BOOM’.

I took my time that morning so I arrived just in time to hang in the hallway and tell one of my friends about my ‘breakfast’, then making her jealous of my time to come. The bell rang to end first period and start the DITPL, I ran into my best friend, and he had a massive grin, knowing what I had done. We went and met up with our other friends and they kept heckling me; “Anything yet?” “Ohhhh man this is gonna be awesome!” “Drugs!” etc. I told them I will tell them when. After hanging around for a while we walked to a friend’s house close by so he could grab some weed and Gin mixed drink.

On the way over walking down the path flanked by trees off the rear of school property I noticed my friend’s hands were making coloured trails as he walked. ‘It’s coming!’ I thought to myself. Then we 4 went and smoked up. For the next while I just enjoyed looking at things, and found myself to be very relaxed. We just wandered around the parking lot for another hour or 2, listening to bands, seeing who was there and who was on what. Then we went and smoked up more. By this time my high was totally different, while wearing my sunglasses, it was like I was in a bubble that was around me, and I had the feeling that I was seeing the world for what it really was. The trees and plants looked so perfect and beautiful, the tarmac and grass was bouncy to walk on. My friends were talking but I wasn’t hearing them. Right ripped and in my own little world we made our way back to school and wandered some more. Then, we spent the next hour and a half standing there listening to the bands play. Again, I experienced the feeling that I was inside a bubble floating around looking at everyone else. For a while I was not even self aware.

I can’t remember walking home, all I know is that I left first because I wanted to play on my 360. I do remember laying on the couch playing a demo for a WWII game and for a while I thought I was actually there, my neck hurt the next day from being so tense the whole time. While playing Xbox the effect eventually wore off.

Nothing too special happened, no gnomes running around or feeling like I have powers to control time or anything, besides it was a low dose but when mixed with the Marijuana it gave me a very nice outlook on things. Since then I can now always see the world in a more beautiful way and appreciate art, mainly paintings a lot more even when sober. I am very glad I did them. It wasn’t for another 2 months that I did them my second time, at a higher dose. I will write about that too, and it will be a much shorter story.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68523
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 22, 2017Views: 942
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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