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The Cycle
Citation:   Mr. Silly. "The Cycle: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp68580)". Erowid.org. Oct 20, 2022. erowid.org/exp/68580

½ oz oral Mushrooms (fresh)
I start to write this almost exactly 23 hours after my experience began. To begin I find the mushroom experience to be one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had the privilege of partaking in. The experience I am going to be writing about was the best I have ever had by such a margin there is no doubt in my mind this experience was meant for me as a gift. This experience still has me in absolute astonishment and keeps me in awe over the nature of this wonderful plant.

I consider myself to be very experienced in psychedelic use and as of recent have not been able to have a 'good trip”. I don’t know why, I have done everything from making sure my environment Is good to making sure the people I’m with are people I trust with my life and even making sure all my business and worldly worries are handled so as to not have anything negative to dwell on during my trips.

This trip changes all that for me and finally I go from extremely hellish nightmarish trips to the most extremely positive trip I have ever had the honor to experience.

There were 3 of us including myself; Ms. A, a slightly younger female friend who was coming for her second attempt at a positive mushroom experience. Her first experience sounded horrible so I kind of took it upon myself to fix this if possible and make her second experience worthwhile and enjoyable. E who is male and is my most trusted friend and partner in crime for nearly 8 years now was also there. We went to the fields praying for mushrooms, we had been dry for a while and the fields had been empty. We checked our first two spots out of three and they were dry which kind of put me in a hopeless mood (I was convinced we weren’t going to find anything, again!!) as we went to the last area we knew about. I parked my car and stepped out and not two feet in front of my car door was a strain of mushroom that we knew was not psychoactive but gave us hope we hit the fields harder and at the very back the last area we would have checked we found what we came for.

We went to our favorite park, being I live in Okinawa Japan almost all hills are cemeteries, which might bother some people that we would trip here but keep in mind the park is built around and through the cemetery which is actually moderately common on this side of the world and we left the cemetery parts alone and kept them in reverence.

E and I taught Ms. A our division ritual which I consider necessary as I feel when you divide mushrooms you should pick which ones you will partake and this is done in a ritualistic fashion. After ingesting the mushrooms 1.5 hours passed and I doubted that I would achieve much from the experience I had next to no movement and very little body buzz and only little mental insight which seemed odd to me considering how much I had consumed.

Approximately 1.5 hours in I started getting hit (don’t know why I had such an unusually long onset). We walked to the top of a tower in the middle of the park at the very top of a hill which we have named coral tower. This tower overlooks a moderately large part of Okinawa City, Okinawa and looks like one of those round sentry towers you see on old castles. The top of this tower holds a beautiful view from which you can see the ocean in the distance. The beautiful view hit us all the same causing us all to admire the beauty of life in general. As we admired the view we talked. All of us are around the age where we have to move on with our lives and start our own so age, society, and what is expected took a big part in our conversation. (Our age range is around 20-22).

Recently my life has been so hectic its almost overbearing. These simple moments kind of break the chaos. I feel the age I am at will be this way for everyone, hectic, it’s a transitional period that has been hard for me but through it all my base and my ground has always been my friends, they keep me sane. It was there on that tower talking to my friends about life, love, and society that I finally figured out what I probably should have long ago but had been too stubborn to admit. I have always been the type that never wants to admit that anyone can change them. It finally came to me through all these relations I have ever had in my life I have been molded and shaped by these people, by my close friends more than anyone else. I hear my father talk about times with his friends that were so similar to this one over and over again and I at times get burnt from them and wonder why he keeps telling these stories… now I get it, finally!The feeling that I was receiving from my friends is best described as love wide open and I have no other way of explaining it.

We walked down the tower and I peaked during the walk along with E, ms. A didn’t seem to be tripping that badly and had a very good feeling about her. She also took about ½ of what E and I had taken. Now I admit the dose we took was pretty massive and what was to come should have been expected but I was not ready for it none the less.

I was lost in the park I had been in plenty of times before I looked at the pavilion in the distance and walked toward it only to be lost two seconds later not able to find the pavilion
I was lost in the park I had been in plenty of times before I looked at the pavilion in the distance and walked toward it only to be lost two seconds later not able to find the pavilion
, everything was morphing around me.Things were shaking as if they were about to explode and I was to tear through this reality like a page in a book like I had with DMT. I had to get to the pavilion and lay down and fast. I had to lie down but I felt guilty telling my friends. I shouldn’t have felt guilty but I did, I hate the feeling of helplessness, so I fell behind them so they could lead the way. Even though the pavilion was in eyes view I couldn’t find out how to get there on my own and at that moment I just couldn’t bring myself to admit in any way that I was helpless.

I had to ride this one out, I told my friends I was tripping hard enough, functioning was difficult. This was an understatement on my part as it was impossible to function in a rational manner but E knows me too well and my ego issues and he knew what was going on and I heard him explain it to MS. A so I wouldn’t have to. Again this added to my feeling of love for my friends I didn’t have to tell them they understood. Now came the complicated part 4 hours in and daylight was coming and I was still tripping. To the point I felt like I was melting into nothing but I kept my composure. From experience I knew to ride it out if its difficult and stay calm so the bad trip didn’t come (thank goodness).

Once we made it to his house I was coming out of peak experience but it was still too intense of a trip for any outside stimulation so me and my old friend talked again and found focal points in history that connect us to other generations and we talked till I came down to a decent level. Exactly what we talked about is less important than what I got from it. This person sat with me for nearly 3 hours as I came down from what could have been a bad trip, knowing exactly what to say and how to communicate with me, and that was openly. It’s all I wanted and all I needed its something so simple but it means so much when you’re enveloped with chaos, from life or a magic mushroom.

It’s odd I’ve had some crazy trips, spiritual ones, bad ones good ones. Out of all of them though one that was just a good time with good friends meant more to me then any of them and it will effect me for the rest of my life. Its part of who I am now and it will be a part of me for the rest of my life.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 68580
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 20, 2022Views: 516
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Mushrooms (39) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Personal Preparation (45), Relationships (44), Mystical Experiences (9), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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