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A Weirding of Everything
Citation:   Forward Thought. "A Weirding of Everything: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp70176)". Erowid.org. Jul 14, 2017. erowid.org/exp/70176

  oral Mushrooms (dried)
I had taken shrooms once before, but only maybe 1 gram. Everything got an aurora around it and when I got home stuff such as my computer monitor got large and what would be 2 foot step seemed to be a 10 foot leap. About 10 months later my friend got a reliable hook up (the guy we first got them from was arrested and everyone else was unreliable,) and after about a week went and got about an 1/8th for each of us in which he broke it up and combined it into one bag.

The day after we bought them we were ready to do them. Unexpectly, my friend’s father birthday was that day and I decided not to eat my 1/8th out of fear that I would have to drive and I was not going to drive impaired, so just my friend took his. We walked to the park where he started to feel it and walked back to his bros house where he was coming down when his bro was putting on visualizations for some music and a game called jelly cars which looks really trippy, but my friend was already pretty down. This led to me biting off more than I expected the next day.

The next day, my friend came over to his bros(we hang out there a lot) and I came. I only expected a medium to mild trip like my friend had had, and because he was only 120 pounds that mine would be even lighter than his, boy was I sure as hell wrong.

We went out back, he smoked a bowl pack(I rarely, if ever, smoke weed, and wouldn’t want to dull the mushrooms with weed) and I pull the mushrooms out of a broken chair(reaching into the bag was a pain in the ass) and ate them, washing them down with some soda because they tasted like shit. We went back inside where another friend inquired if I had taken them already(this other friend had never taken shrooms, but had take LSD and Ecstasy) and he laughed a little.

I stared to play bomberman and after 20 minutes started to feel the mushrooms and couldn’t concentrate on playing. After another 15 minutes or so, I went to the bathroom and while peeing the toilet twisted and got deeper, and it was hard to zip up my pants. My friend who had taken the shrooms the day before got his bro to start playing jelly cars and some music, he had this one song that made me trip harder, and then put on some visualizations for some other music.

After about 10 minutes they took the game and visuals off and my friend was asking me how I felt and I just stared at him, I couldn’t really speak. My teeth were chattering and my foot shaking as if I were cold. My friend was saying stuff like look at that poster but the posters weren’t trippy. I was feeling somewhat nauseous which I thought was because I didn’t eat anything but later read on a reputable website that not eating anything probably reduced my nausea. I started to lean my head forward to try to let some of the nausea subside (I was also getting the what have I done to myself thoughts)but my friend said I would hurt my neck with how I was leaning so I leaned back and the couch felt really good. I went to pet their puppy and it nibbled on my hand but all I could do was watch him, then I went to pet him and my hand twisted and merged with the dog.

For a few minutes I closed my eyes and was in a crazy unexplainable world of colors. I tasted some sounds which started to give me thoughts like wow, this must be what LSD is like.

I opened my eyes and everything looked clear, but I felt really good and wanted to just roll around on everything. I said my my friends bro I just want to hug you right now and he laughed. He asked if I wanted to watch alice in wonderland and I said yes. Just watching the play movie screen was crazy and realistic looking. My friend started the movie and it was realest, the rabbit was talking to me, but despite the movie being great, I still fell into a state of just tripping from the content of the room, not really the movie. I remember one other time of looking at the movie in which it spilled off the screen and filled the room and when I tried to close my eyes to escape the room full of alice in wonderland It didn’t go away for about 40 seconds.

I then fell into an acid freak out like thing where the room was the only source for my eliminated mix of crazy visuals. I remember saying something in my head when looking down and to the left which was “I want to stop tripping” because it was that intense. Later I would realize that I was just in the room tripping, but after I was freak out intense I got really scared. I would see the room with my friends then it would morph into just sounds, colors, tasting sounds, reeling colors. Then I would see the room but not 100% normal and I would think my trip was coming down, and the room kept warping from somewhat normal to INTENSE FUCKING TRIP. It looked like every crazy trip movie/video seen I had seen. Whenever I heard anyone talking(they are talking about drugs and lsd and stuff I think) it would be like people mocking me from within my mind, telling me that I was tripping and stuck like that.

And I was in a new realm; my body became a 3rd person entity in which I lost control of, losing complete feeling of my body. My reality warping somewhat back to normal then back into crazy trip abyss happened about 100+ times for what seemed like several weeks, around which I excepted that my previous reality of the world with school and people and work and parents was an illusion, and that the new state of being one was the of which was the true reality, me being the god and every was one. Separation of colors, sounds, tastes, people, animals, tree and nature were really just one life form that float throughout the universe. Reality and fantasy were one and the same.

After I had reached this perfect state of being in which the fear of an uncontrolled trip had been replaced the relief and happiness that I found what everything was really about, I snapped out of it. I watched a little bit of alice in wonderland but mostly stared at the clock on my friends cable box. After about 20 minutes it went from 2:29 to 2:30, so being scared about the extremely slow pacing of time, I decided to close my eyes and try to sleep it off. Once I closed my eyes I went back to a world of crazy colors and blending and kept opening them to check the time in which only 2 minutes might have passed in what seemed hours.

I got up a little later from the crazy color and weird minds state(not the being on like before but just feeling weird) to see my friends bro and the other friend leave after saying they were going to go to 7-11. Then they left again. Then the walked in backwards. Then they left again. And I don’t remember that coming back but they just all of a sudden came back.

So after another period of closing my eyes to try to wait out this trip, I would open them up and keep seeing different people on the other couch. I went over to my friend because he had called me over to look at something on the computer and his voice echoed. I responded with an alright in which my voice echoed. I have no clue what he was showing me but then I went back to sit down, closed and opened my eyes again and thought I was dreaming. I went to the bathroom and it looked how it had at the start of the trip. And when I went back over to my friend at the computer every was shifted as if in a dream and for some reason I kept going back to the bathroom and seeing the toilet/zipper problems and every time I went into the living room there would be completely different positioning of everyone. I think I played halo 3 a little bit around then because I remember barely being able to see what I was doing and having my character constantly look down to remind me what team I was on, and I could not have even gotten one kill.

I eventually went to the bathroom and stared at my phone counting the seconds for about 10 minutes trying to make sure I was back to reality were 60 seconds equaled a minute. My friend’s bros girlfriends asked if I was alright in the bathroom and I said I was shitting. I kept having thoughts that the trip was ending and I was pooping it out, although I did not poop. I walked out into the living room where three people were playing halo 3 and I just said that trip was crazy and that I just didn’t know how to explain it.

For the next three days I would wake up in the middle of night and not be able to tell if I was dreaming of not, and for the rest of that day I felt a little hazy. The being one with everything was just a memory although I still feel somewhat happy about this state I reached where hate and difference of everything was abolished and replaced with love and the uniting of everything. I didn’t want to do any shrooms or anything like that for about a week afterwards, not because the trip was bad, but it was intense.

My expectation of mild-moderate weirding of everything turned into a freakout of which I was very scared. I read and knew that it would just be a trip, and not reality, but in that state your mind doesn’t allow that thinking to penetrate, and me not expecting the intensity didn’t help.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70176
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 14, 2017Views: 1,128
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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