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Nice, Mellow Combo
Calea zacatachichi, Damiana, Passion Flower & Red Wine
Citation:   Wicca Princess. "Nice, Mellow Combo: An Experience with Calea zacatachichi, Damiana, Passion Flower & Red Wine (exp70476)". Apr 17, 2008.

  smoked Calea zacatechichi (dried)
    smoked Damiana (dried)
    smoked Passion Flower (dried)
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
Let me preface everything by saying I’m not a prolific smoker of anything—I’ve never once smoked tobacco (hate the smell), so take my experiences with a grain of salt. I’m lucking if I can hold it in for 15 secs.

Weekends are the one chance I have to relax after working news the whole week. I became interested in Calea b/c I heard it would help induce dreams. Although, honestly, I've never had that experience with it.

Without getting overly technical about measurements, I basically just dumped all three into the bowl of my Hookah and chased it with some red wine since I have sinus problems and ANY smoke tends to set my sinuses (internal) on fire. I also put on some mellow new age music and found myself very relaxed after about 5 mins. Occasionally, dizzy even (in a good way). I'm can't vouch for the psychedelic effect others have had, but I did feel a nice, pleasing mellow buzz. For all I know that could have been the deprivation of oxygen, but if it is, don’t tell me. I kinda like the mellow feeling—puts a smile on my face. But no sleepiness.

Now, I'd been drinking the wine for about 30 mins. before and had my usual wine buzz. But this definitely enhanced the feeling. I could feel a slight motor effect, so fortunately I had no plans to travel.

All in all it was a pleasant mild high, with no lapse in mental clarity. I think my typing may have even improved (badly needed). Not to mention the smoke helped me hock up a bunch of nastiness collecting in my lungs all week. So I’d give this occasional herbal experience a mild thumbs up. Good for relaxing.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 70476
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 17, 2008Views: 13,451
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Calea zacatechichi (97), Damiana (107), Passion Flower (121) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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