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Smooth Sailing
Citation:   tigresand. "Smooth Sailing: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp70485)". Oct 16, 2018.

15 g oral Mushrooms (fresh)
T +0:00: - I consumed a large, fresh mushroom. The stem was about .75 of an inch wide, the cap about 1.25 inches wide. The length of the whole mushroom was about six inches. The shroom was fresh, refrigerated for only a matter of hours. My girlfriend grows and since she had not tried this type of spore yet, I am the guinea pig.

I immediately left the room - she was watching something terribly depressing on the History Channel. Don't get me wrong, I love education, but not in this mindset. I headed for the office and set up radio to play artists related to Orbital.

T +0:40 - I am definitely feeling something. A slight buzzing of the ears, my mouth is watering, my stomach is dancing. I feel a speed-like effect. I got some soda and switched the player over to Aphex Twin, as this was not going to be an average afternoon. I tried to go back in the living room to spend time with my girl, but the lack of light and loud TV really make me uncomfortable. I'll stay in the office, where I am surrounded by windows and have two lamps. I feel stifled and hot. I feel like I am in a dream, floating above myself.

T +1:00 - My girlfriend says my pupils are huge. I am apparently terrified of sex on this particular trip. I am very fond of soft dog fur and Sprite. Outside time.

T +2:00 - The last hour felt like a couple days. Outside did not go so well - it's raining. I have been giggly and playful. I tried watching a movie, but do not have the attention span.

T +2:15 - Now I'm tripping extremely hard and need to calm down. I feel almost like I'm going to throw up and it's hard to talk, I feel like I have to scream to get anything out. I will listen to softer music and watch the rain. (except I am feeling paranoid and the cops keep driving by!)

T +2:30 - I'm amazed by the gorgeousness of this street. I live in such a dive, but I remember now why I picked this town. There are actually trees here that have lived hundreds of years, which I guess will become a rarity. From my window, I can see cherry blossoms, pear trees, houses painted (painted wood, not built with plastic) every shade of blue, pink, and tan. Vintage porches and real, red brick. I'm also feeling a lot of body aches right now

T +3:00 - Starting to be able to focus more, but everything is still hilarious. Human contact freaks me out and the texture of everything is strange.

T +3:30 - Pretty much done, I think. I feel blank and dull, neither happy or sad. I'm starving and really thirsty, but the texture of food and drink is not pleasant.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70485
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 16, 2018Views: 616
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Alone (16)

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