Beauty Lies Here
by van
Citation:   van . "Beauty Lies Here: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp70502)". Sep 25, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1/8th oz oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 0:00   glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 2:00 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  

Here is one experience of many, this one, being the most significant. It was the battle of the bands, winter of 2005-2006… the show was scheduled February 11th, 2006 Our band was pretty big, locally speaking. So we figured this was a good opportunity for us. My singer was dealing them. We’re close like family close. We all lived in the same house with two strippers.For two weeks straight before the show, we all ate them. The fuckin house was a world all it’s own. It was alive and breathing! A couple of down ass chicks, a band and lots of mushrooms! Of course the occasional schmoke (tobacco and cannabis) and of course the drink makes for good times … and of course… the insanely dramatic times as well.

[Night 1] [10:45pm] I remember my lead singer came into the house with a big aldi’s bag billowing over with them, also in hand two separate ounces of them. He gave select people a 1/4th of mushrooms each. Considering there was like 10 of us he gave to the only the ones who wanted some. In which he gave out to 5 or 6 people. But that’s neither here nor there.

I ate my huge ass free share with a tall glass of milk. Total I ate a little over an 1/8th . About 10:50-11:00pm I sit back on the couch next to my drummers girlfriend and watched music videos for about an hour-- totally intrigued by the video for “get comfortable” by Jaimie foxx... could it have came at a better time? At this point, I was engulfed in conversation, with a beautiful woman, had a nice beer, and wonderful music in the air. I completely forgot I ate them! I couldn’t help but notice how “comfortable” I was… how nice everybody seemed, how… content I was with my life, my surroundings… a half hour passes, with no perception of which, and all that interrupted with the thought that everyone was on mushrooms! But at that point I didn’t care, nor did I acknowledge that fact aloud, I decided to keep it to myself.

My boys are in the other room, making a beat on the computer (fruity loops 4, buddy, awww yeah!) so since we’re all feelin it, she turns off the t.v. – [about 12:25am] this is where it gets crazy… finally it hits me… and it hits me hard…. Here I am, sitting on the bench in the “other” living room, rolling up a cigarette in rolling paper, (cause I couldn’t afford cigs that night) giving out my two cents on the song we’re creating on the computer, I see a small shadow on the (white) carpet, what seemed like vines. I double checked, and triple checked… and then I checked the lampshade to see if maybe the engravings on the lamp were casting a shadow. (mind the subtleties) …it didn’t match up. So I checked with my bassist… and he confirmed to me that perhaps it was the mushrooms I ate.

Holy shit, he’s right! I just laughed it off. …upon that laughter I realized how good I felt on the inside… this to good to be true. I’ve never felt this way before, I’m usually that guy looking for the nearest exit in case someone freaks out, and tears the place up. But right here, right now, I’m in my right mind state. Right now, I am doing exactly what I wanna do, when I wanna do it. I could never be happier… overwhelming sensations of happiness come over me, while the vines on the floor appear to be growing more vivid and wild. I see that I can control them, and make them do what I want to.
overwhelming sensations of happiness come over me, while the vines on the floor appear to be growing more vivid and wild. I see that I can control them, and make them do what I want to.
I could see pictures, of anything I wanted to! This made me extremely happy.

[12:50am] I decide to stop entertaining myself with the music and the pictures on the floor, and smoke my rollup cigarette. …upon lighting this cig, I look around, and I see these vine-like shadows everywhere… the feeling I have is god-like, I control the shapes, the colors, and they are growing in the room. As they grow… I notice the song we were making is very… heaven like.

Heaven, god, spirits and all these things I don’t normally think about. I realized that everything around me felt as if it was alive. Everything that was alive I had a huge appreciation for… (plants, animals, people) I felt like my heart was bleeding (poetically speaking) it was overflowing with feelings… but good ones, nonetheless. The realization that god is alive, and well… he is around me, and I am with him now takes over my mind

Small talk going on now… and the vines approach my bassist… anxiety takes over… I feel as if I am going to break down, and thoughts of my grandmother (in which I barely knew) enter my mind (she is passed away). Upon entering my mind, I have the sensation that she is with me too, and brings nothing but love… these emotional feelings are too much for me to handle, considering that my people were on some totally other bullshit than I was. Before the vines “touch” me I decide to casually escape the “other” living room and make my way to the bathroom, so I can gather my thoughts.

The vines at this point looked alive… they followed me into the bathroom, (through the cracks, and crevices) everything in the bathroom looked extremely clean. I had to blow my nose… I threw the tissue in the toilet, upon throwing it, the tissue formed a flower… this was too much… I could hear birds chirping, the sink was an alter I turned the faucet, the water was clean and had rainbows in it. I could hear prayers in my head in the form of whispers. Tears fell from me like a waterfall… the walls drained of color, and it looked like a waterfall was seeping through the cracks… after a certain period of time, it turned to blood. Not a nightmarish blood, but a more stigmatic blood. Everything was so heaven like. I couldn’t handle it. I spoke (without words) to my grandma. Heaven felt as if it was here, and I am in it. But my tormented thoughts ruin it on a daily basis. I don’t know any prayers. If you met me, I’m not very religious either…

Once this was over… a feeling of normalcy came back to me… but I was defiantly still tripping. I felt a huge weight lift from me. I could see the vines in a more subtle relaxed state. Returning to my band was something else. I felt like they were my family. Like we were in a more medieval timeframe like we were of some form of knights fighting a battle. Against some evil we cannot control.

Hours pass it’s now about 6:00am, after staying up all night rolling up cigs with my bassist and lighthearted conversation, we’re making coffee in the kitchen and I see a mangy stray black cat outside looking for food. The cat acknowledges me in the window, with anticipated caution we met eyes, and shared something at that time… I don’t know what it was… but it was very strange, I felt pitiful.
My experience to me defines a lot of what I miss out in life and may take for granted on a regular basis. This trip was very emotional. I learned a lot about who I was and where I stand in life. Because of that alone, I am gratefully humbled to the ugliness of this world. I know that beauty lies here, we just have to open our eyes.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 70502
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 25, 2022Views: 318
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Mushrooms (39) : Large Group (10+) (19), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Music Discussion (22), Families (41), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4)

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