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Moving Forward, but Probably Not
Citation:   Landon. "Moving Forward, but Probably Not: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp70731)". Apr 29, 2018.

1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Doing mushrooms was something that I had considered, though never actively pursued. Of course, a friend of a friend managed to get some, inquired as to whether or not I was interested, and in fact, I was. Its late April, so the sun goes down around 8ish where I live. It had been a rather dreary day, mostly overcast, but still reasonably warm (mid 70's). I didn't eat anything for about six hours, and around 5 I ingested the mushrooms, stems and caps.

I felt the same for about twenty minutes, when I started to notice a substantial change in perception. Everything stayed the same in terms of color and luminosity, but the speed at which I viewed my environment slowed down. This was an honestly uncomfortable state, especially at first. I felt a bit queasy, and just overall jittery, with my skin tingling a good amount. After a while though, I started to feel very energetic, and strange as it may sound, very powerful and very comfortable within my own skin, all most a very confident stage. I would call it a frenzied imperative to move! I decided that I needed to get out of my house at this point and I put on my very beautiful pair of Dior Homme sunglasses (very well constructed from plastic, and most importantly, in neutral tones! neutral tones are a very nice compliment to the experience.) I started to walk towards the downtown of where I live (a moderately sized college town, laid out in a grid pattern). I must have walked several miles when I decided to call a close friend who I am very comfortable with and who I knew would 'go with the flow'. She and I and a very odd friend of hers (who appeared to me to be emanating a godly, prophet like radiance) walked several more miles, out of downtown, past the local 'justice center'/jail, over some train tracks, and into a very sketch part of town. At this point I started to feel very queasy, worn out, and I almost vomited. I called another friend of mine, who nicely enough dropped me picked all of us up and drove them to their house, an me to mine. I was feeling better at this point, and I smoked a bowl of pot with some friends when I got back home. This really mellowed me out, especially after the intense physical exertion of earlier. Over the rest of the night, through varying circumstance and context, I found myself walking several more miles.

In all, I would say it was a great experience, maybe not one I will ever do again, but certainly worth every ounce of it, even the uncomfortable stages. I was happy I drank a lot of fruit juice, dressed classy and confidently, and was with people who were willing to adapt with me and most importantly, WENT WITH THE FLOW!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70731
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 29, 2018Views: 898
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