A Way to Bond With a Close Friend
Citation:   Andrew P. "A Way to Bond With a Close Friend: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp71220)". Erowid.org. Aug 27, 2018. erowid.org/exp/71220

T+ 0:00
1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 1:30 4 bowls smoked Cannabis  

Tonight was a great night. I had done mushrooms before but never at home, only in my college dorm. Quite a different experience. We were in one of my best friends' basement and he had never tried them before. I tried to explain what he could potentially go through beforehand but I felt like there just was not a vocabulary to describe it. During my trip I wrote the following:

'I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be writing at the moment. Everything around me has been redefined. Every little challenge and problem is magnified into a full blown dilemma. We sit and overanalyze every decision, every idea, and every action. The lines between our world and the world around us are blurred. Lines which are so permanent in day to day life are broken down and become unclear.
Lines which are so permanent in day to day life are broken down and become unclear.
What is reality? Because what I am feeling right now is certainly real. But, I know tommorow is a different kind of real. I think I like that one too.'

Anyways, on to the logistics of the trip. We ate the mushrooms at about 830 pm after a long day of exercise. We had biked sixty miles earlier in the day so physically, we were spent going into the trip. At first I was concerned that this may be a factor but it did not prove to be a problem.

The first sign came at 9 on the dot when the tv began to subtly ripple. The coming up, for me, is really all about anticipation and until 45 minutes or so I am fairly normal. I have yet to puke but I always feel like I'm pretty darn close at about this point. For the next hour we watched Elf and enjoyed the limited, and often overstated, visual hallucinations. I have never found the visuals to be the highlight of a trip as the media would have outsiders believe. And by outsider, I mean those who have never ventured into the shroom world.

After the initial effects of the mushrooms our minds transitioned from light thoughts to the profound revelations that the drug provides. My friend, began to become uncomfortable with the blur between his ordinary life and his mind on shrooms. According to him, he felt so normal physically except his mind was racing and he hoped it would stop. This effect peaked at about 11, or 150 minutes into the trip and what I would describe as the the climax of the night. Having never directly experienced this fear I cannot completely relate but from what I have read it is not an uncommon feeling.

By 1130, we decided some weed would be a great way to put a familiar spin on the trip and chill us out. We went outside, the change of scenery certainly was welcome, and smoked in the warm spring weather. It had to have been at least 60 out at midnight. Having now grounded himself, my friend was able to look back on the experience in awe and equally, admiration. As much as we feel in control while on the drug, the mind is a powerful thing and it can be unpredictably unpredictable. Laying out and watching the open expanses of the glowing sky brought back a few visuals but our minds were at peace by 12.

I am laying in bed at 2am now and my mind is still racing only from a much more familiar perch. As with any drug, there is a time and a place but mushrooms are definitely a favorite and are truly a way to bond with a close friend. Enjoy and remember: 'go with the flow' and 'stay positive'.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71220
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 27, 2018Views: 776
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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