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Detachment and Revelations
Citation:   Kerisell. "Detachment and Revelations: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp72158)". Aug 20, 2019.

  oral Mushrooms
I’ve always found myself to be somewhat different from most other people in society. This realization became a lot more apparent my senior year of high school.

High school can be broken up into 2 general categories : drugs and relationships. This seems fairly common I suppose. My freshman year, I experimented with weed and alcohol. It was a weekend ritual to hit up a couple parties to get high or drunk only to stumble home behind the backs of my over protective oblivious parents. Sophomore year I got heavily involved in a relationship with a boy I met in my English class. Him and I had such a heavy drinking habit we did so much as to go on epic adventures in which the two of us would rob neighbors' garages of all their alcohol. He was nevertheless extremely against marijuana smoking. Like all grade school romances ours crashed and burned upon the 2 year anniversary. Enough with that...

DRUGS. After the break up I returned to chilling with my old friends (a very colorful group of boys), excepting me back into their group like I had never left. All of them had accumulated a very high interest in drugs. I had taken mushrooms once in 9th grade, but besides that had done virtually nothing. Senior year was a joke to say the least. After realizing that it was a pointless attempt at education I began to gain the interest my fellow friends had acquired. I picked up my old habit of routinely smoking blunts, loving every second of it. An old friend who I had recently started chatting with in April changed my view on virtually everything.

I had purchased some mushrooms for no particular reason. One lazy morning I skipped school. Him and I tripped all day instead. We spent the majority of the morning on nature trails. Something changed in me that day. So many hours past as we walked among the twisting knots of the bark and vibrant colors of the leaves. Discussion about society and conditioning flourished as we strolled along a set of railroad tracks. When we returned to the car and drove to the familiar surroundings of the area it felt as though we were returning to reality, that we had been stuck somewhere else all day. Somewhere a hell of a lot better. My entire sense of time had been set aside. The clock seemed more of an enemy than anything.

Every day after that has had a similar feeling. Its something completely indescribable. People seem like robots and the clock is the keeper of ritualistic routine. I was appalled at my previous outlook on drugs after that experience. D.A.R.E. class did not dwell upon the enlightening experience that could be derived from psychedelics. All of those substance definitions were so skewed it sickened me. It was the start of a never ending game of connect-the-dots in my head. All the things I’ve been conditioned to believe in order to benefit things like the economy plagued my existence. I find it difficult to identify with people. Recently I've noticed a mysterious cycle of coincidental repetition. It is difficult to explain but seems as soon as a subject or person is expressed that, that particular matter addresses itself elsewhere in a dejavu fashion. These realizations may seem a little 'out-there' but I assure I am a well educated 'normal' girl.

My shrooming experience has increased my curiosity with other substances. I have delved into XTC, Acid, and opium. Psychedelics are my personal favorite. XTC is a great recreational drugs especially the pills containing MDA and not just MDMA. Through shrooms and acid I feel I have learned more about myself and the environment than I ever would have in school or in books. Some of this knowledge is of an annoying nature though. This feeling of detachment from society follows me quite frequently.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72158
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Aug 20, 2019Views: 670
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