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Insomnia Cure
Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa
Citation:   Polantis. "Insomnia Cure: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa (exp72547)". Erowid.org. Jul 21, 2008. erowid.org/exp/72547

2.8 g oral Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa (dried)
I'm a 22yr old male who prior to this trip have smoke a fair wad O' pot, ecstasy 5 times, speed twice (yuck!) and think I may have had a pill with K in it.

Since the start of this year I have had bad insomnia. I'd spend 5-6 nights a week, watching the clock til about 6am, then sleeping an hour or so before waking again. I was always tired, which was odd for me always always having been a big sleeper. Although I think I did get some rest, just laying in a conscious meditative like state, other wise I'd be dead or have some sort of mental problems. I tried, Valerian root, tea's, Chinese medicines, all kinda of Pre-sleeping rituals and nothing helped. Even getting extremely stoned did nothing, if anything I'd be more alert, pondering like mad.

I decided to take mushrooms with 3 of my good friends in a well thought out set and setting. I had a mind blowing, fun day. That night after tripping, just as I was reaching for a sleeping tablet as sometimes I did (just to get an hour or so) I yawned. But not like my usual yawn, I was tired, truly tired. And I slept for 14 hours in the best sleep of my life. Since then I have slept like a baby every single night. And of coarse feeling alot clearer, energetic and happier during the day.

I never thought I'd feel healthier after taking drugs!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72547
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2008Views: 8,696
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Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa (123) : Health Benefits (32), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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