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Found Myself Wanting to Smoke Something
Green Tea
Citation:   l'eger de main. "Found Myself Wanting to Smoke Something: An Experience with Green Tea (exp74136)". Nov 4, 2020.

1 bowl smoked Tea (dried)
Smoking Tea?

I was smoking way too much weed to the point where it was losing its effect, so I decided I needed to take a break. I still found myself wanting to smoke something just for the routine of it, and don't like tobacco
I still found myself wanting to smoke something just for the routine of it, and don't like tobacco
, so I decided to try to smoke some loose green tea, which I packed into a bong. It is quite pleasant and relaxing. I have ADD that I have chosen not to medicate, and smoking the tea seemed to make my head a bit calmer, even more than drinking three times as much of the tea steeped in water would. I'm not sure if this is a placebo effect since I am used to smoking weed.

About two hours after I had smoked a bowl of it, I did have more trouble dozing off than I would normally have if I was sober.

I found out the hard way though, that I can't smoke the tea down to just ash like I would weed. After I smoked the green out of it, it got rather coughy. This could have just been because I got a larger hit as the entire bowl lit, but it was worse than when weed makes me cough, and made my throat feel a bit constricted, so I don't want to get it to that point again.

I've just smoked a second bowl today, stopping once the green had burned away, and it seems to be treating me well. I know this might seem kind of lame, but if I ever need to take a break from weed, it's a nice alternative.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74136
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 4, 2020Views: 1,192
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Tea (447) : First Times (2), Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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