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Nature and the Movement
Running & Cannabis
Citation:   Griaf. "Nature and the Movement: An Experience with Running & Cannabis (exp74529)". Apr 7, 2010.

  repeated   Cannabis (plant material)
I've been a weed smoker for about 8 years now, and very much enjoy it, but there have been some drawbacks through the years. One major turnoff of smoking a lot is the munchies/lack of motivation and the laziness that can come with it. This doesn't seem to happen when I smoke occasionally, but heavy daily smoking almost always has this effect. Well, to combat it, I started running. If I ever had that fogged up, bloated, unnecessarily tired feeling from smoking all day and munching out I would make my ass a cup of coffee, throw shorts on and get out the door.

Theres magic with cannabis and intense running, I truly believe it. Not only did it help me out health wise, its one of the best, most natural highs one can achieve. Hard earned, yes, but amazing still. I find the high really starts to kick in after about an hour of running hard and really hangs around when I'm through. At least 30 min seems to do the trick.

Anyways, its not about being annoyingly rigorously moderating the time anyway- good music and the synergistic high of being in nature, moving the body in perfect rhythm, allowing the cannabis to open up thoughts and feelings in the brain...its no pain in the butt whatsoever. I make myself a cup of green tea and smoke more once I'm done, then eat a big, healthy meal. I've done a lot of drugs, but it doesn't seem to get much better than that.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74529
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 7, 2010Views: 4,823
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Yoga / Bodywork (202), Cannabis (1) : Not Applicable (38), Combinations (3)

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