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The World of Feelings
Mushrooms - P. semilanceata
Citation:   Daggoth. "The World of Feelings: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (exp74693)". Nov 15, 2022.

30 caps oral Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (dried)
...and the day came. The day of my first mushroom trip. I was very anxious to try mushrooms and when I received the call I've been waiting for I had no idea what worlds and thoughts await me on the other side of the 30 mushrooms. And finally I hold them in my hands, these tiny pieces of mind. My heart races while I'm sitting on the coach at home looking at the little mushrooms. Before I continue I should say that this is my first trip, I have some experience with other recreational drugs (cannabis, amphetamines), I'm pretty tall for my age (17) and weight about 170lb.

So I'm sitting on the couch, while I start to eat the mushies. Their taste is not bad, despite what I have heard, and when I finish them all and put some beatles and pink floyd on the stereo I begin to relieve my mind of stress and anxiety, taking deep breaths. It was about 1400 (10 minutes after I ate them) when I walked in my room and played some bass, awaiting for the effects to kick in. After approximately 20 minutes I noticed movement in my peripheral vision, and said to myself 'here we go'. I knew it's getting started.

Sitting down to relax I close my eyes and try to feel everything around me, in my room, to feel the distance between me and the objects in my room, which I found later was very accurate. Ten minutes after I got up and walked around to 'feel' it. There were definite feeling of strangeness and everything in my sight was starting to distort lightly. I picked up the bass and it felt very different from usual - since it's a full scale bass and bigger than most other basses it is very heavy, but I felt it light and it was like melting to fit me. Playing it was easy (not like cannabis - when I'm stoned I play sloppy with lots of mistakes). My mind was empty, my only thought that lingered my skull was the flow of melody. I imagined a tune, a slow and feeling-induced tune, and my fingers had their own life, that obeyed my thought. I just knew what to play and it didn't involved any mental effort.

The low, deep sounds of the bass created a colorful explosions when I closed my eyes, but I noticed that not all notes induce the same feeling or colors. When I opened my eyes and looked at the map of Europe that hang from the wall I saw it heavily distorting, like the mountains and the plains on the map were alive, like I witnessed the creation of the mountains. Firstly everything was flat, then I heard the sound of massive explosions, like the earth clashed with 'something' and some of the mountains started to appear
When I opened my eyes and looked at the map of Europe that hang from the wall I saw it heavily distorting, like the mountains and the plains on the map were alive, like I witnessed the creation of the mountains. Firstly everything was flat, then I heard the sound of massive explosions, like the earth clashed with 'something' and some of the mountains started to appear
, then the others, then cities began to mark the map, the waters withdrew to the oceans, leaving bloody red pieces of land. It 'was' alive - the map showed me not where I am, but from where I came.

The feelings began to pour on me, feelings of closeness with the nature, with the birds that were singing, I felt like a fox, praying in the woods, and in the next moment like an eagle crossing the skies. Feelings of wonder, of the pulsing life that was inside me, and inside everything, almost made me cry. I was feeling the connections between every little thing that existed here and something out there in the... void? Words that could describe what I felt in that moment don't exist. I shook my head stunned feeling the urge to go outside of the concrete box I was living in. Closing my eyes while walking in my flat revealed... my flat! When I close my eyes I could see what I could see with opened eyes, but it was a bit different, the colors ran wild, stationary objects seemed to move. It was like I was in an alternative world that is very similar to ours, but still it's a bit different. That feeling persisted on open eyes until the end of the trip.

Finally I'm out on the street. The sunlight was really bright almost blinding me, but still I can see everything without effort. The trees impressed me a lot, their leaves under the light wind, still warm, but smelling like the coming winter. Branches caressing other branches, a brown leaf falling to the ground, the grass like a thousand blades. I felt stunned, thoughts were racing in my head, while I stay still afraid to move and to disrupt this moment of nature's greatness.

A friend called me, and after a brief talk we arrange a meeting nearby. While I walk a feeling of energy began to form in my abdomen. When I met my friend, the feeling was overwhelming and was all over my body, bringing nice little tingles on my fingertips and forearms. I don't know why but I visualised the feeling as a blue rays of liquid light (still not fine description but the closest I can do), which started to fade, while I was coming down, about four hours after ingestion of the mushrooms.

I spent the rest of the day talking with friends in a nearby cafe and thinking about the marvelous experience I had. Nothing can be compared to the feelings of inside, which I had this day. I can't describe the positive effect of this trip on me. Words don't matter, feelings is the way.

Sincerely yours Daggoth

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74693
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Nov 15, 2022Views: 667
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Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (90) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Performance Enhancement (50), Various (28)

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