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Inner-Waves of Magic
Citation:   Mikey_Mike. "Inner-Waves of Magic: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp76821)". Feb 20, 2018.

4.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
The night started out with me and my buddy [D] splitting 9 grams of dried mushrroms. As we chill and wait around for the effects, we are playing xbox. After a good 30 min went by, the effects start to creep up on me.

I tell D to put on some jimi hendrix to sooth me as I start to feel a stong force. For some reason D wants to go inside his bedroom to listen to slightly stoopid. As I enter the room, the lighting darkens a little bit and I begin to feel 'wavy'. Laying on the bed, I feel as if my body is being stretched across the bed, melting into it. I quickly sit up and stare around.....this is where the fun begins.

I feel this wave of energy deep inside me, just hit. BOOM! The carpet starts bubbling and changing colors; music is growing and building up inside me. Boom! Another wave hits, colors sweep through the carpet and start climbing up the walls. I 'see' the music traveling up and down the walls.

Wave after wave keeps hitting me, each time I feel out of breathe and overwhelmed. After an hour or so D tells me to come outside. I feel as if there is a line seperating my body. I look out and cars are splitting and I am getting very intense visuals. I tell D to give me his jacket, but can't figure out how to put it on. I see a man riding a bike and think its security and decide to walk back in. BOOM!

Wave hits me. I see D's jacket melt into liquid and fall through my fingers. I see his table turn into tiny little blocks and fall apart. Wow! This is too much, so I sit down. I feel like I'm melting and falling into the couch.

(The next hour is very hard to put together. I will explain D's view first, then go into my experience.)

D hears me scream 'Help!' He runs over and I say, 'Get me out of this!.....this time!' He pulls with all his might and I don't budge. Colors sweep through my face and starts to morph. D then goes to his room. He hears me talking to myself. I keep saying random things..just gone. After an hour I snapped back in reality. We chilled for awhile and the called it a night.

Back to my mind; I lose all sense of time, I lose ego, everyting gone. I look side to side as I'm traveling through time itself. I hear my parents, grandparents, co-workers; I thank them for this feeling. I see einstein and he tells me, 'WE are one.' I feel as if every person's mind is connected. I have ultimate knowledge.

Boom! I travel through time again. We are one big experiment. Aliens are observing us and laughing. I feel as if time keeps looping over and over. Am I trapped here? Will I ever go back to see my life? Random words of feeling and such keeps popping in my head. Boom!

Again, I am traveling to the future and back. I can't explain what I saw or what my mind was percieving at that point. I guess I blacked out. The next thing I remember is snapping back into reality. All of a sudden I knew me! I knew where I was! The unknown is over! I talked to D about what happened. When he told me I went into a shroom hole I couldn't believe it. I guess I was unresponsive for an hour, but WOW! What an hour....

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76821
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2018Views: 811
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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