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Great Night!
Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & Mimosa tenuiflora)
Citation:   Shadow371. "Great Night!: An Experience with Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & Mimosa tenuiflora) (exp76924)". Dec 9, 2020.

T+ 0:00
9 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
  T+ 0:00 3 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis  
Ayahuasca (1rst Experience). Great Night!

(Quick Note before I begin... 'No matter what anyone tells you about a particular drug and its safety, Always and I mean always do your research and get all of the facts, 'The good, bad and the ugly' of anything you choose to introduce to your body. Know what you are getting into and what the outcomes may possibly be! Alot of drugs may seem fun and safe and you may know a user or users who have never had a problem in the past, that does not mean that you will not hurt yourself or someone else, it does not mean that you will not have a bad reaction, it does not mean that you will not freak out or even die. Drug use is a serious business no matter how innocent or fun it may seem. There are NO 'Safe drugs'.)

As for me, I am a 38 year old male living in the U.S. I am a regular marijuana user and over the past 23 years I have used many forms of psychedelics for fun, learning and to find my spiritual connection to the universe. I have taken acid (lsd-25) over 300 times. I have used Shrooms even more and mescaline about 5 times. I have had some truly beautiful and enlightening experiences. I have also had some really scary and truly bad experiences in that time. I have yet to try DMT, bufotine or Salvia and judging from reports, I really dont want to try them. I truly enjoy the basics (Acid, Shrooms, and Mescaline). So, Being fairly confident in my experiences and my ability to maintain, and, after reading many reports and doing a lot of research, I decided that it was time to give Ayahuasca a try. My wife has never used any type of enthogens before and wanted to go for her first trip. We agreed that we would try Ayahuasca since I have never tried it and it was her first experience with a psychedelic. And this is how it went for us.

We will start with preperation: First, We used a coffee grinder and powderized 6 grams of syrian rue seeds and 18 grams of mimosa hostilis and set them to the side. We mixed 4 cups of distilled water with 500mg of crushed vitamin c and a 1/2 cup of real lemon juice and split this into 2 small pots. We placed the 2 pots on the stove and brought them to a boil and then reduced the heat until it was just a bit more than a simmer. When we felt the temperature of the water mix was right we added the M. Hostilis to one pot and the seeds to the other. We let them simmer for about 45 minutes each adding a little water as needed to keep it from boiling away. At this time we removed the Rue seed tea, drained it thru a metal coffee filter 'The kind you buy at wal-mart' and set it aside. We then drained the M. Hostilis thru the metal coffee filter. We squished the mush with a spoon until no liquids came out. We then used a bit more water and re-simmered the M.Hostilis for another 15 mins. At that point we re-filtered it thru the filter again and into the previous liquid and squished it again. At this point we put the Rue tea and the M. Hostilis tea together in a clean pot and simmered it down until it was reduced down to 600ml in our big pyrex measuring cup. We ran it thru the filter again. We let it cool..... We seperated the tea equally into two glasses. 300ml each.

While we were preparing the tea, we used our free time to clean up the house and get rid of any clutter and messes that we felt may cause any type of adverse mental effects. We also prepared our lighting using our colored lava lamps, candles & colored lights. We then prepared a soundtrack so to speak using windows media player. We included music from pure moods, some Led Zepplin, Some Pink Floyd and a few other various artist's. We brought out the blankets and pillows, and made everything very comfortable for ourselves. The atmosphere was set.

At 9:30 pm we began to drink the tea. Using the metal coffee filter was a good idea because there was very little grit in the bottom of the glasses. It was bitter and very chalky in taste and texture. It took me about 15 min's to get it all down. My wife on the other hand got halfway thru the drink and could not hold it down. She ran to the bathroom and began to vomit. She stated that while she didnt like to throw up, 'it really was not that bad'. She returned to the living room and finished her tea. I kept mine down fairly well for about 45 minutes before vomiting, which was'nt that bad! lol. And then, we waited........

Here is how it went down. Stating from the time we started to drink the tea.
9:30- we begin to drink the tea.
9:45- I finish mine, My wife is halfway thru hers we both feel queezy in our tummies. She begins to vomit for about 3 minutes.
10:00- she finished her tea. We are both feeling very queezy in our tummies. I want to vomit but I can control the urge and suppress the feeling. My wife did not have to vomit anymore.
10:20- I cannot hold it any more and I begin to vomit. It lasts for about 3-5 minutes and after I feel fine.
10:30- We both begin to feel like we have had some kind of weird alcohol and were slightly buzzed as if we had maybe 2 or 3 drinks. Walking was fun and the general feeling was kind of a goofy distant feeling.
11:00- still feeling slightly buzzed but no real intoxication to speak of... We smoked a bowl of some premo reefer.
11:15- I begin to notice a slight fog in the air and the traces of white fog lines appearing beside the T.V.. I didnt think much of it at this time. Still feeling slightly buzzed when I close my eyes I can make out faint whiteish lines and patterns appearing and a slight texturization in my minds eye. I cannot explain how it looks, But its cool, just not amazing or outstanding. My wife begins to report the same.

11:30- still the same thing, No major development's to report.
11:45- same thing, beginning to wonder if this was a flop.
12:00- Ok, now We are both starting to feel very intoxicated, not trippy but kind of like being drunk. A bit of sillyness and profound lack of balance and coordination. Diarrhea sets in for both of us. My wife reports that she is starting to have heavy closed eye visuals. I do not......Yet!

12:30- Diarrhea becomes constant but not unbearable, Just kind of a nuisance. The closed eye visual are becoming very prominent in my wifes and my head space. They begin as simple patterns and begin to evolve into a complex textured pattern The pieces are getting smaller and smaller and multiplying into a larger design. Like a kalidescope. I begin to make attempts at interacting with it, Which actually come very easily to my surprise.
12:45- Diarrhea still an ongoing nuisance. The visuals have become extradinary and complex. They have crossed the boundries of 2 dimensional and have become a 3-d realm of twisting turning designs and patterns very much unlike the natural patterns and colors of shrooms and unlike the neon lines and geometric shapes of acid. My general feeling is that of well being and content. I open my eye to find that the world has changed into a twisting kalidescope and it is beautiful. I continue to attempt interaction with it. My wife didnt reach full open eye visuals but did see tracers and colors with a bit of visual trickery here and there.

1:00- Ok, I have given up on interacting, it has become to intrusive for that. The patterns and pin stripping and designs are taking control and will not allow me to do anything other than swim in there ocean and observe. Which I do happily!
1:20- My wife has began to come down and she is losing the visual aspect of the trip. I am in the bathroom again. I am looking at the bath mat and it has become high def with radiating waves like you see on a hot road. I have to focus due to the visuals controlling my open eyed sight but manage to find it thru the forest of designs and it is amazing. the walls have dramatically changed and the wood grain on the door is running down like a river. I cannot keep my eyes open to watch as it is a bit much to take in at this time. The closed eye visuals are going crazy! I love it. Me and my wife lay down in the bed and enjoy the show.
1:45- I am laying in bed next to my wife. She has already come down and returned to baseline and drifts off to sleep. I dont know how but she did! I am still enjoying the show.
2:15- This was the last time I noticed the time. The time on the clock looked like this 22::1155. I had to look at it for about 3 minutes to decipher it.

At this point, I must have fallen asleep. I awoke at 7:30 this morning an felt a slight headache 'not bad' and a bit drowsy. I do not remember dreaming and didnt even know that I had fallen asleep. I have a feeling of good will, peace and harmony and no hangover. Similar to the day after Shrooms. All in all it was a good experience. I am quite sure that I only began to touch on the real experience though. I do not believe that I reached the full potential of this mixture. It was however quiet a psychedelic experience. Along the strength of a single dose of acid. The visuals were overwhelming at times but not at all bad. Walking and coordination became an experience in itself. At about the 3 hour mark, walking was almost like being drunk. The onset was very slow compared to other user reports. My wife started with C.E.V's before me. She tripped for about an hour. Mine was a bit more wide open and lasted about 3 1/2 hours I would say.

The overall feeling was comfortable but at times the visuals were a bit crazy. 'Not bad though'. I did not have any interactions with spirits or ancestors and did not experience any form of other intelligence. Maybe I was not ready to go there at this time. I would definatly try this again in the future. I will be very careful about my mixture in the future. At one point around midnight we both felt as if nothing was going to happen. I remember being hungry and we ate a cheese pizza. Only cheese pizza, No toppings. Be careful of this! Read the food warnings well!...Anyway, we ate the cheese pizza and I think that is what set the trip off for us. it was not long after that the intensity cranked up. My wife did vomit halfway thru her tea and consumed the rest afterwards. That may have made the difference between hers and my experiences.

Overall it was good and I have a new respect for this tea. It is not something to play with! Ayahuasca is no joke!!!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 76924
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Dec 9, 2020Views: 698
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Huasca Combo (269) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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