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My Body Betrayed Me
Citation:   ACF422. "My Body Betrayed Me: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp77161)". Apr 17, 2020.

  smoked Cannabis (daily)
  3 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
My husband and I are daily pot smokers, done cocaine a few times and X once. We got a new dealer who could get a hold of mushrooms easily and decided to get some and finally do it. We got them Monday night and were going to take them on Friday, but while my husband was at work on Tuesday I was researching all day and decided that we could do them Tuesday night and he would be fine for work the next day. We got 2 8ths, he is 6'4 280 and took 4 grams, I took 3.

After about an hour we could start to feel it, just laughing and a body high, about a half hour later we both were having visual effects, but still happy and having a good time. We were watching Family Guy, relaxing in our room and trying not to attract any attention from my in laws downstairs. Things kept getting more intense, my husband kept trying to talk but could not spit out the words. We both were laughing so hard at one point we both peed our pants. I was sitting in front of my husband after about 2 hours and he started to become blurry, and very colorful. It was taking us forever to do anything, or at least it felt like it. My husband could not stop asking me how long these things last and I was trying to reassure him that things would be fine, all along my stomach was so upset and would not get better.

Finally I knew I was going to throw up, I grabbed the garbage can and dry heaved a little and spit up a little. I could tell my husband was starting to freak out and I tried to calm him down, and make sure he wasn't going to freak out and call the police. Then all of the sudden I started violently vomiting as my body rejected everything from every opening on my body. At that point my mother in law came to the door, we managed to pull ourselves together to tell her to go away, and then we laid down in bed, trying to grasp reality and time again. As we laid in bed I was seeing red and black spots all over my husbands body, they would appear and disappear quickly, but I didn't tell my husband right away because I knew he was already freaked out. Finally after about 4 and a half hours, we were feeling semi normal again, enough to get up, clean up our mess, smoke a bowl and sit for another hour talking about what had just happened.

It was scary, and I am not sure if I will ever do shrooms again, but I am glad that I was able to make it through this experience and today, I am honestly just happy to be alive. Moral of the story- Believe people when they say start out with small doses, have a sitter if you can, and make sure you have nothing to do the next day!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 77161
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 17, 2020Views: 931
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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