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The City Looked Ike Carboard Cutouts
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   miraclemedicine. "The City Looked Ike Carboard Cutouts: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp77560)". Jun 5, 2018.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Mushrooms in Seattle

Last night was my first night of trying Hallucinogenic Mushrooms. I took about 1/8 of Cubensis Mushrooms and I was having a good old time.

At first the city of Seattle seemed like cardboard cutouts, this was after about 15 minutes after ingestion of said shrooms.

Then everything went all Sepia colored and I felt so good. As we were walking around the Center House I found it hard to comprehend the fact that I was in Seattle and I still felt like I was sitting in the car and I felt amazing and happy. When we saw the space needle I saw it as a giant cardboard cut out that looked like a mushroom.

Then the Laser Show started, it was Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon, and it was beautiful. I still cannot tell whether or not the laser show was 4 hours, for half and hour long.

I got stuck in this emotional rut during the show, I felt as if I really never want to do this again, then I also felt at the same time that I was so happy, I switched in and out of these moods quickly and rapidly, and I just kept trying to stay in the happy zone.

After the show the visual effects had worn off and I had the giggly part left over, and I just kept laughing and laughing.

Today I find myself thinking in the way that I was talking last night, which is ok.

I just have this overwhelming feeling that everything is going to be ok and I like it very much. I'm happy and content with life right now.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77560
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 5, 2018Views: 730
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Various (28), General (1)

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