Ramayana Awakening
LSD, Mushrooms & Chocolate
by Bex
Citation:   Bex. "Ramayana Awakening: An Experience with LSD, Mushrooms & Chocolate (exp77698)". Erowid.org. Jan 20, 2022. erowid.org/exp/77698

T+ 0:00
1 drop oral LSD (edible / food)
  T+ 1:00 2 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (edible / food)
  T+ 1:00 160 g oral Chocolate (edible / food)
Physical Prep: Not much. The weekend earlier we visited a site where we will be soon holding a large Beltane ritual and wedding ceremony. We walked the labyrinth there and the pattern stuck in my brain. We don't typically eat during the day in favour of a large meal in the evening. Our evening meal the night before our trip was noticeably light, but I did have a few drinks while bottling wine, mead and beer in the evening. Not exactly an effective detox. I woke up the next morning hungry and cranky, unsure about my plans for the day.

Emotional Prep: Lately, overwhelmed by a sense of misdirection and confusion, I've been longing for direction and guidance. I hoped the my experience would give me insight into Priestesshood and my changing roles. Preparing for marriage, I am seeking out feminine archetypes and trying to understand and reclaim the stories and rites-of-passage of womanhood. I hoped that this trip would give me insight into these dark waters.

2:15pm - My partner and I each take 1 drop of liquid acid stored in a sugar cube. We've had these cubes for some months and these are our last of a batch of summer fun. We both express some nostalgia and are happy knowing there is a whole new batch of summer fun on the way. We put together our movie playlist and melt the chocolate for our mushrooms, chatting a bit about what we want to happen. Everything is ready within a half hour or so, but at 2:45pm I am unsure about proceeding with the mushrooms. Our basement apartment is feeling cold and cramped, and our upstairs neighbours are arguing loudly. I write some notes about my frustration, and once again ask for guidance. My partner and I talk a bit, and he urges me to come for a walk outside, but I'm not up to it yet. We decide on a finalized movie list and cuddle down under the covers with our chunks of mushroom chocolate.

3:20pm - The acid seems to be coming on slowly and I'm feeling a bit more relaxed. Our upstairs neighbours have stopped fighting and we are watching an anime flick I remember from my childhood, Windaria. The movie we downloaded is subtitled instead of dubbed like the one I remember, and so the experience is much different. I find it difficult to concentrate on the text. Instead we chat about movies and trees, the mushrooms and the chocolate (which was delicious). The mushrooms had been diced finely and I found it hard to keep in my mouth while swallowing the chocolate. We've used this method before and I liked it because, with larger pieces of mushroom, the chocolate would melt away easily, leaving chocolate-flavoured mush in the mouth to chew and chew and chew. I decided not to worry about it, and let the mushrooms come on a bit slower from digestion.

3:45pm - The movie is nearly over by now, and I'm eagerly awaiting our next film which we have had waiting for a week or so. 'Sita Sings the Blues' came highly recommended and looked very promising. At this point I'm beginning to feel nausea and when I note this, I also record that I'm having a hard time holding the pen. We wait out the end of the movie, and I notice that the Japanese characters on the screen appear to have depth and be dancing along the screen. I am captivated by them, and begin to feel myself coming WAY UP. 'Sita Sings the Blues' begins and I am blown away. The graphics are beautiful, the narrative hilarious, and the story inspiring. I am overwhelmed by wave after wave of insight into Women's Stories. I cry several times during the 82-minute story, and have several ideas about the magical power of tears and how they relate to the other bodily fluids, the experience of an empath, and the ways they can be used in ritual and spellwork. The movie has a short intermission (hah!) and finding that we are well-stocked with water and such, we talk about the powerful 'evolutionary reboot' powers that LSD seems to have. With no interest in visiting the snackbar in our kitchen, we make out for the remainder of intermission. Several scenes in the movie took me to great places in my future, or reminded me of places from my past. Different parts of the movie remind me of different people in my lives and I am excited about sharing it with them.

When the movie is finished, we are happily curled up in each other's arms. My face is tear-stained and messy, but I'm not at all grossed out by my bodily fluids as I normally would be, even a drippy nose. I am overcome by the urge to be swimming in the deep ocean, free to move in any direction and not hindered by the couch we're sitting on. I compose myself with enough words-and-energy to suggest we move to the bedroom and get to a standing position. Once I stand I am full of the energy of the first day of spring, and dance around like crazy into the bedroom.

At this point I have lost track of time. We lay in bed, in the covers, and just spend time staring at each other, cuddling and kissing. My mind is racing with random thoughts, and occasionally I am distraught that I can't know what it is my partner is thinking and feeling. After some time without speaking, I seem to have lost the ability to form words. He says a few things to me about the body refusing to recognize the words have form and meaning, and I giggle. This sets me off, and I am lost in giggles and childsplay. We roll around a bit, and I wish for a warm, empty field to run and play in, roll around like bear cubs. I feel inspired to play, and jump up from the bed in search of oil pastels. It takes me a while to recognize things, and even longer to figure out that the pastels are inside a small case, and then how to open said case.

Back in bed, I was inspired to draw a large blue labyrinth-pattern on my partner's thigh, and another small one on his forehead. I showed him how to use the pastels, by heating them up between the hands, so they would mark me as well. It was a bit frustrating and confusing trying to figure out how to encourage him to do as I did without words. I lay back with my head hung upside down over the side of the bed and looked at the wall. I briefly had the experience of feeling the world turn to my perspective. This brought an exclamation of 'Goodness!' from my mouth, and the wordless spell was broken. This reclaimed ability to speak suggested to us it was time to go play outside.

6:45pm I checked the clock as we wandered about the house, talking, filling water bottles, and looking for clothes. In my notebook, I jotted down the time and wrote in big, curly girly letters, 'words are back =) outside now...' We wandered out in our winter-to-spring wear and felt a bit like bears coming out from hibernation in the springtime looking for food. We walked about, chatting and feeling good about our weekend so far. We walked the block at an easy pace, wary of the cars and all the people so eager to get wherever they were going so fast. On our way back home, we stopped in to the pharmacy to get some toothpaste. For several minutes I was overwhelmed by the choices. My partner didn't bring his glasses, so couldn't see the items on the shelf anyway. Eventually I just grabbed the closest, cheapest tube and we headed out. We took a quick trip to the 'park' down the street where we went on our last mushroom trip, but the cooling evening air sent us home quickly.

After this, we spent the rest of the evening making dinner and watching movies (Spirited Away, which even in English we didn't understand; and some crazy movie with Hugh Grant circa 1988 called Lair of the White Worm). We were both inspired to do something creative. My partner went to work on making a Geomancy box, and I started to work on the 'Womanly Arts' which I feel comfortable starting with.... I grabbed a bunch of natural ingredients and made myself a honey-almond body scrub, whipped cacao moisturizer, and banana mayonaise hair conditioner. I spent a good deal of time focussing on 'bring out the spring' in my body, and luxuriated in the sensations of the delicious natural products on my skin. A hot shower was a perfect finish to my body-high, and dinner was ready when I got out. We ate a hearty plate of food each while the last movie played. We went to bed shortly after midnight and I sleep deeply for nearly 10 hours.

I'm writing this the day after, feeling well and relaxed, having taken it easy today to make some notes and try to integrate all these new thoughts. Tonight we are visiting some friends for dinner and a discussion on divination, and I look forward to passing on my insights in this experience report, along with sharing the film and entheogens that brought me to them.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77698
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 20, 2022Views: 849
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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