The Euphoric Essence of Communication
Citation:   Bstape. "The Euphoric Essence of Communication: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp77877)". Sep 6, 2018.

4 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
“Banji wa yumé.” [All things are merely dreams.] -Buddhist Proverb

The end of my internal emotional war began with a camping trip. We drove to a secluded and near-abandoned recreational park and picked a spot overlooking the lake and secluded enough in the trees to create a comforting home base. For the first day, my friends – G, A, S, and T – and I drank and had a good time just hanging out and listening to music, talking over the campfire, and being rowdy. At about midnight the drunken idea came to mind – mushrooms. Having tripped before but not getting much out of it, I thirsted for entheogenic knowledge. We’d talked about it previously, but I didn’t think we’d actually go through with it during this camping trip. But, nevertheless, we drove back into town the next morning and talked to a friend about buying some mushrooms. He had the best I’d ever seen, people were eating 2g and tripping harder than most 1/8ths.

Anyways, I set apart about 4g for myself, A ate about 4g, and G and T ate 2g each. We let them sit in lemon juice for 45 minutes prior to ingestion. S was our sitter through the ordeal.

Before the sun went down, at an estimated 6pm, we drank down the mushy psilocybin concoction. Within 20 minutes, we were out by the lake and the ground began to move. Slight nausea overtook my stomach, but nothing that couldn’t be dealt with. And, before I knew it, I was too far out of my mind to speak. The ground moved and swayed in unison with the wake of the wind sweeping against the lake; the clouds danced and welcomed me, as if a long lost knowledge was being bestowed upon me. This is what I’d been waiting for. Trees danced elegantly before me, for me, unto me, gifting me with the hidden beauties of natures’ personality. With closed eyes came pulsating patterns of divine purpose. Eyes open; the water became the sky, and vice versa; And then, it hit a whole ‘nother level.

We got into the car, put on some loud music, and I was overtaken. Unable to focus my eyes, speak, hardly moving, I was an esoteric life form free of bodily feelings. My nerves became struck with euphoric paralysis, and I was nearing a plateau. For the next half hour we all sat with smiles on our faces, “OOhs” and “Ahhs” Echoed through my hollowed landscape. We took videos, shot pictures; the only sensible noises that erupted from our mouths were enduring laughter; the only coherent images: flashing smiles and dilated pupils. We journeyed through several landscapes as S drove us maniacally enlightened people through the park. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!] Each different area appeared to have a different mindset – the lake was happy, while the depths of the forest were daunting and more serious. It didn’t matter much though; ecstatic emotions override negative external stimuli.

The sun had set behind the hills and after an hour’s climb, the plateau was reached. An impossible to describe worm-hole-like distortion intruded into my center-vision. An infallible object of entheogenic power, I poured my concentration into it. I moved my hands and arms in front of it, only to see them swirl into the primary colors and leave this dimension. Dementia struck. Incapable of human-like movement, I receded into the depths of my awe-struck psyche. I was reborn into a world unimaginable. Worm-hole-like beings confronted my vision, pulsing and reverberating; permeating my every gaze. I wasn’t aware of anyone else in this world; at least not any humans; only my own soul and the souls of these alienated worm-hole-tentacles. The colors of these beings represented colors of my own being. Tangible reds and oranges filled my eyesight, ensuring me of my ineptitude when it comes to security and cautions, but at the next moment, blues, greens, and purples, permeated the previous layers; showing the softer, more esoteric and philosophical side of my essence. Each Being was an infinitely different aspect of my wholeness. I was understanding and viewing myself, in a literal new light. I felt eons of hopeful pride and confidence boost into my shattered soul, the tentacles formed into a single. I rode through the giant fractal-like tunnel that had been created, and reached the door of primal fears, or that’s what I perceived it to be. I opened it, cautiously. I was struck in the head with profound wisdom. I found myself eyes open, eyes tearing, staring at a car-seat with my hand 2 inches from my face. I knew I had gained so much from this sacrament. I felt blessed to take my first coherent breath, and apparently I’d been in the car for only 45 minutes but it seemed like an eternity. Loving flowing euphoric visions invaded my soul. The trees began to dance again, the moon howled and rippled. I could walk again. I clumsily made it over to G, T, and A, and tried to relay my experience. But my innermost feelings couldn’t be expressed, not during this insanity.

Shortly afterwards A and I had the not-so-bright idea of wandering in the forest. We could see the line between the safety of the campsite, and the wild. We crossed it. We could see the line between good feelings, and losing touch with civilization; as we tried to cross it in our paranormal state, A ran into a cactus. I believe fate kept us safe by causing that event. We could’ve very well gotten lost, and as we walked back, we noticed our campfire was nearly dying down. If we hadn’t of come back around that time, we wouldn’t have had an easy time finding our campsite.

I ended the night with the fading movement of trees and fire. I drifted off out of consciousness to be greeted by the blackest, most dreamless sleep I’ve ever experienced, only to be woken up by the worst and most sudden storm I’ve ever been in.

Respect Mushrooms, teaching me more about myself than any book will.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77877
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 6, 2018Views: 667
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Mushrooms (39) : Music Discussion (22), Entities / Beings (37), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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