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Journey of the Deer
Citation:   searchforfreedom. "Journey of the Deer: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp80014)". Jul 23, 2019.

6 g oral Mushrooms
My friends and I have begun a ritual involving what we call a 'psychedelic fiesta' that is held after high school exams every year. We chose this particular time because of the amazing feeling that we all share during this period: we are all done school for the year and have a great two months or so to look forward to.

These experiences are held in an extremely beautiful and natural area. This particular one took place at my house. I live on an enormous property absolutely filled with trees and fields and an exciting diversity of wildlife in general. I did this with 5 other people.

We got started nice and early on a sunny Tuesday morning in June. Sitting around the table we happily chatted and munched our way through a 35 gram bag of primo psychedelic mushrooms.

Everything went absolutely perfect. The shrooms kicked in after about a half hour and we were all a giggling wreck.

At this point in was decided we would go and explore. Here's where our journey of the deer starts. I began to walk away from the house, leading my friends forward. I walked with no particular destination in mind, however I was aware of the area. We walked for well over an hour; through farmer's fields, forest, scrubland, a river and so on. All this while taking in our new appreciation for the impressive beauty of our surroundings.

Here's where it gets weird... We all walked across a field towards this enormous wall of forest, and upon walking up to it I stopped once and then picked a seemingly random spot of the forest and began to walk into it. After taking only about 10 steps in, the group and I stumbled upon this enormous skeleton of a deer!! It was amazing (especially while trippin' balls). This deer looked as if it had lay down to die. It was this perfect skeleton with not a single bone out of place. Absolutely stunning.. And it was just bones, all shiny, all white, nothing broken.. wow!

At this point, with out a word spoken to one another, every person in the group simply decided that our journey was over, we had reached our destination and established its purpose. It was a really neat thing that happen between us.

What's more, on the way back home, a live deer ran gracefully past us! We had come full circle- experiencing the deer first in its death then in its life.

So, in summary, we walked directly from my house for hours to a place I haven't visited in years. I felt as if we were sucked towards this deer skeleton, as if it needed some element of recognition. As if its death had to be realized for its life and spirit to let go.

Incredible.. this really stuck with me... life, death, and the journey of the deer.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80014
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 23, 2019Views: 621
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Mushrooms (39) : Glowing Experiences (4), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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