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Surreal Vibrations
Mushrooms (blue vein)
Citation:   Junior Birdsman. "Surreal Vibrations: An Experience with Mushrooms (blue vein) (exp8076)". Apr 29, 2004.

1.0 g oral Mushrooms
It was the morning after my high school prom when I decided to experience the mushroom for the first time. An old friend of mine who came back to Toronto for prom had brought some blue vein shrooms with him and was eager to share them with me.

At around 11:00am I chewed down a gram of the shrooms and waited about half an hour but felt nothing. A little disappointed, I ingested the other gram and waited once again. After about 20 minutes I began to feel subtle its subtle effects. I was sitting in front my friend's computer listening to music when I noticed a feeling of relaxation, first in my legs and then moving up through my body. With great anticipation, I looked all around the room trying to detect any kind of distortions in my vision, waiting for myself to start tripping hard. By this time though, the only thing I noticed visually was an afterimage on my retinas where each of my eyes are located. The eyes were connected by an afterimage of an arc. The shape resembled headphones, a subtle green burn on my vision. On a previous trip with morning glory I noticed this afterimage form during my come-on.

I decided to get up and walk around the house a little. At this time, none of my friend knew that I was tripping; I was acting completely normal. As I walked around, the floor appeared to be undulating slightly, also, I felt taller than usual. When I approached the kitchen, I looked down at the floor tiles and found them extremely difficult to look at. If you've ever looked at alternating black and white bars, you'll know the feeling I'm talking about.

Suddenly, a feeling of extreme powerfullness came over me. I felt like a God. I hurried upstairs to my friend's washroom and looked at myself in the mirror. Staring back at me was not me, not quite me anyway. My pupils were quite dilated and I looked a lot scarrier than usual. I curled back my lips and barred my teeth. My face appeared exaggerated. I flailed my arms up and down and trails followed them, soon, as I repeated this motion, they took on the form of wings. Everything about me radiated evil. My spikey black hair seemed taller and more devillish than ever, my eyes seemed so violating. There was a certain vibration to everything on my body. I took off my shirt and noticed that as I moved my arms, they seemed to vibrate, the movement of the muscles was quite fascinating.

I've heard reports of people becoming frightened by their own terrifying faces while tripping but I was not, I was rather amused. After what seemed to be a few minutes I emerged from the washroom, thoroughly delighted by the mild hallucinations. My friends J and G wondered what I was doing for 45 minutes in the washroom. I explained.

Everyone at D's house was getting hungry so we decided to get some food from McDonalds. Still no one knew that I had been shrooming, I was far more articulate and conversational than normal, there was no noticable handicap in my speech of movement. At around 1:15 or so, my friend D came back from McDonalds with food. I picked up my hamburger and looked at it but I couldn't eat it. It was the saddest thing I had ever seen; it was as if the hamburger could express it's emotions to me. I almost cried. This is when I was found out by all of my friends. I walked around and showed them the hamburger, I kept asking them if they could see how sad it was.

After lunch G and I decided to smoke some pot, then I smoked a few cigarettes and lay down outside in the sun in D's backyard. I closed my eyes and was greeted by extremely intricate swirls and spirals which got more and more detailed the longer my eyes remained closed. At this point I was flooded with a deep sense of love for everything. I looked over at J who had joined me outside in the backyard. Her hair was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Each individual strand seemed to vibrate with life as the wind blew through it. I looked at the grass and was awestruck. I was able to witness every blade of grass moving back and forth at once. The feeling was incredible. By 10:00 that evening I had finally come down fully. To conclude, mushrooms were by far the most enjoyable and tranquil trip I've ever had.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8076
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 29, 2004Views: 10,416
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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