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Mundane, Yet Profound
Calea zacatechichi
Citation:   FinnyQuac. "Mundane, Yet Profound: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi (exp80774)". Sep 16, 2009.

  oral Calea zacatechichi (tea)
    smoked Calea zacatechichi (dried)
While shopping online for legal entheogens, I noticed a large quantity of Calea zacatechichi available pretty cheaply. Over the next week or so, I experimented with it a few times with very subtle, yet pleasant effects.

The first time involved steeping a few grams in boiling water for about twenty minutes and drinking the resulting tea. No matter how much sugar I added, I could not counteract the disgusting taste. I felt absolutely no nausea, however. I immediately went to bed, but I woke up about an hour and a half later. Unable to get to sleep after that.

The very next night, I decided to double the amount of herb I used. Though this tea was much, much stronger, I almost had gotten used to the taste by the time I finished the tea. Unfortunately, I had a terrible case of insomnia after this, not being able to sleep for at least eight more hours. During this time there was a pronounced, but very mild lightheaded and relaxed feeling. If drinking the tea weren't so unpleasant, I could easily see myself becoming a habitual user of this.

I finally got a few hours of sleep. When I awoke, I figured I'd try smoking a few bowls of the herb just to see what happens. The smoke was surprisingly smooth. It was way more palatable than the tea for whatever reason. I once again experienced the same feeling from drinking the tea, perhaps heightened a bit by the cannabis resin in the pipe. After sleeping some more, I did not remember a single dream. The dream herb was starting to seem like a huge disappointment.

A few days later, I gave it one more go. To avoid the insomnia problem I was having, I decided to stay awake several hours past the time I'd normally fall asleep. I then consumed a tea with about a quarter ounce of the herb, and I went straight to bed. That night, I had an unusually long and cohesive dream. I was at my old high school hanging out with some friends. We were waiting in line to buy yearbooks, but unfortunately, they were all sold out. The bell rang, and we reported to our psychology class. Another friend of mine wanted me to proofread her psychology essay. Every single word of that document made sense upon waking. Normally I'm not able to even make out letters while dreaming, and they definitely wouldn't spell out anything intelligent, so this was pretty significant. After a decent bit of time, the school day had ended. I had an argument with a friend who apparently owed me a ride home. I woke up at this point.

Though this dream was incredibly mundane, and every event was entirely plausible, I felt it was profound. Upon waking, I immediately got excited that the tea worked. The level of detail was astounding. The dream was actually a story rather than a random sequence of silly events. Would I call this the Leaf of God? Probably not. But I still had a great time with it.

[Reported doses: 1/8oz tea, 1/4oz tea, 1/16oz smoked, 1/14oz tea]

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 80774
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 16, 2009Views: 12,410
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Calea zacatechichi (97), Dreams (85) : General (1), Alone (16)

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