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Break from Reality
Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Lithium & Lamictal
by M
Citation:   M. "Break from Reality: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Lithium & Lamictal (exp81127)". Dec 6, 2018.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Pharms - Lamotrigine (daily)
  T+ 0:00 4-5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis  
  T+ 0:00 100 mg oral Pharms - Lithium  
  T+ 12:00   oral Pharms - Trazodone  
I took a fairly high dose of P.Cubensis mushrooms on a Saturday night, after already dosing approximately the same amount on the previous night. The Friday trip was a fairly typical mushroom trip--intense visuals, introspection, etc, however, the Saturday trip was much longer and more intense. The main difference was that on Saturday, I had very few visuals and an overall decrease in 'psychadelic' effects (likely due to second day tolerence), but I had a much more intense experience where I could not distinguish what was real and what was not. I believe the difference in the Saturday trip was that I added Lithium to the experience.

First of all in the spirit of full disclosure, I am on 200mg of Lamictal for mood stabilization, but I don't think that it has any noticeable interactions with mushrooms from past experience. I thought I'd include it in this entry in case it played a role. I had read on a few websites that the experience of mushrooms is increased when also taking Lithium. There are also reports of serious medical problems, including seizure, but they all seemed to be from relatively high doses, so I thought it was worth the risk to try them in combination. I had some Lithium left over from previous prescriptions before changing medications, and I decided to try a relatively small dose (100mg) to see if there was any increase in the intensity of the mushroom trip. I hoped, at minimum, that it would overcome any tolerance I had developed from the night before.

T 0:00 I consume 4-5 g of Mushrooms along with 100 mg of Lithium.

T 1:00 Mushroom effects come on: primarily body high, general anxiety and and feeling that all is not 'right.' It is, on balance, the feeling of a mild trip.

T 2:00 I sit down to watch a video with my wife (who is not tripping). I am not feeling a very strong effect from the mushrooms based on previous trips. I'm generally enjoying the video as I normally would with a few subjective effects from the mushrooms.

T 2:20-3:00 I begin to be overwhelmed with the sensation of extreme deja vu
T 2:20-3:00 I begin to be overwhelmed with the sensation of extreme deja vu
: that I have already seen this video (I had not), and that I was caught it loop of time in which I had already had every discussion/reaction that night and that my wife was 'there' when it happened.

T 3:00-5:00 I start to predict the content of the video, and I am always wrong about the eventual outcome. My wife gets a bit concerned, but I am convinced that I am right and for some reason reality has been altered in this part of the loop. I leave the room and write down all of the things that are going to happen next. When I return to the room, I checkpoint everything on my list to what actually happens. I am wrong in nearly every case, but I interpret it as a shift in reality rather than any reaction to the drugs.

T 5:00-6:00 my wife goes to bed, saying that I am acting 'crazy' as I become more adamant that she would see that I am right if she would just watch the whole video. After she leaves, I try to find places on the disc that support my interpretation, but I am initially unable to do so. As I continue to watch, I begin 'seeing' elements that match my interpretation. I become completely convinced again, and begin talking to myself rather loudly about what I am seeing.

T 6:00-8:00 I go to our spare bedroom and turn on the TV to relax. I find myself talking to myself about the previous video, and what might have happened to alter it from 'reality' when I was watching with my wife. I am talking to myself so loudly that she comes in to check on me. I am together enough to say that I will keep it down and that there's nothing wrong, but I still believe that I am living in an alternate reality and that everything has happened before.

T 8:00-12:00 Things get weirder. TV makes no sense. I find myself talking to myself more, and in general, I am trying to describe the world that I am living in and how I am outside of reality. I eventually take a sleep aid (Trazadone) that initially gives me an increase in visuals and unusual thinking, but eventually puts me to sleep.

The next morning I have some coordination issues walking (probably due to the Lithium), and a strong sense that I may have been right about the time loop that I was in (although I generally felt 'sober'). A week later, I watched the video again sober, and it contained none of the content that I thought I saW when I was tripping. I have never had a mushroom trip that made me believe/see things that were not there, and I feel that Lithium played a role.

Although I found the entire experience fascinating once I came down--I still would not recommend it to anyone. I went from (Friday) having the normal experience with mushrooms--to having a total break with reality (Saturday).

Although I remember everything and nothing bad happened, I still feel like I was not in my right mind during the trip, and it lasted 2-3x as long as a normal mushroom trip. Even so, even though I am an experienced mushroom-user, I was so convinced of the 'fake' reality that I may have done things that were dangerous. Also, since there are also more serious health problems that others have reported from the combination, I think that this combination is not worth the risk.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81127
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Dec 6, 2018Views: 1,177
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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