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God's Hilarious!
Citation:   LuckyLuckyLucky. "God's Hilarious!: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp81365)". Dec 12, 2017.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I did a fair amount of acid back in the 70's and had always meant to try mushrooms being under the mistaken impression that they were just a milder, mellower type of hallucinogenic experience. My daughters (ages 19 & 22) have become Terence McKenna acolytes and got me reading and listening to his lectures. Being the adventurous soul that I have always been, I decided to try some sacred mushrooms and discovered that they are aptly named.

I ate a small handful of them (about 2.5 grams) at 10:00 a.m. And started to feel the effects come on about 30 minutes later. At first, there were some of the fun visual changes that I remember from my past experiences, but then, as the effects increased, I saw the pattern. It was everywhere and in everything. I'm an accomplished illustrator and gallery artist and it's now my goal to somehow capture this in a painting. I know that it's real and it's in everything great and small, but the big question is, why is it composed of happy elfin faces? It's almost like the fabric of reality is an infinite sheet of Owsley blotter acid with constantly shifting geometrical designs (with elf faces!) How strange & wonderful.

But the best was yet to come. I went and lay down in a darkened room and had a little encounter with God.
I went and lay down in a darkened room and had a little encounter with God.
I should say that I was raised Catholic but have since become an atheist, or at least an agnostic over the years. I was wrong. There is a God, or there are many aspects of the whole and I met one of them yesterday. It definitely felt like a male presence and he loves the Beatles (no kidding!) He also let me know that he likes some of my paintings, but not all of them. But best of all, he has an amazing sense of humor. The whole time he was with me, I laughed my ass off. I tried to listen to my ipod. I was thinking maybe Iron & Wine, and I mean it, he wouldn't let me listen to anything but the Beatles. Told me to turn off the ipod. I had Abbey road in my cd alarm clock & I put it on. The first song is 'come together' and I realized that it was totally written about/for God whether intentionally on their part or not. As I heard the refrain repeated over and over... Come together, over me, That's when I was given the blessing of knowing that we (humans) are his/their children and are so beloved. They indulge us but are happy that we're progressing. I also distinctly heard God or some entity say that 'you need to be better stewards, particularly of the sea, by tenfold.' I was also invited to join them. I was afraid it meant dying so I tried to bargain with him/them, mentally saying that it would be devastation for my family if I were to check out right now. My daughters explained to me later that at a certain dose, everyone feels as if they're dying and that at higher doses you have to surrender to it. Maybe next time.

Anyhow, it was an amazing experience. I just kept saying, 'wow, wow, wow..' and 'Thank you' (for my life and consciousness and your love) and so strangely for me, 'I am such a supplicant!' over & over again. Now I'm really curious as to what a church going christian would make of this kind of experience. It was so holy and there is absolutely no reason for churches to exist. We can all talk to God! Oh, he also told me that he was there all the time. I asked him if he watched when my husband and I made love & he said he did & we laughed & laughed & Laughed.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81365
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 55
Published: Dec 12, 2017Views: 1,080
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Mushrooms (39) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), First Times (2)

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